Scary situations (Samuel)-Phantom Halo/Left hand man

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Sam and I were making out on his green couch when a guy knocked on his window saying that he left something in his closet

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Sam and I were making out on his green couch when a guy knocked on his window saying that he left something in his closet.
"No your lying Becket knows there's nothing safe in this house." The guy climbed in and began frantically looking for something in his closet. "The hell are you doing?" He said to the guy. The guy turned around and gripped his shoulders. "Where is it you little shit?" He began hitting Sam in the stomach then turned and grabbed me pulling me by my hair. I winced at the pain. "I bet your slut here took it. She probably saw it while you were fucking taking a piss or something and took it!" "No I live here with him..." He cut me off by pulling my hair harder forcing my head back. "It's okay she'll just have to pay me back won't you sweetheart."
Samuel then got up and punched him but he hit him back with his other hand and threw me against the wall and went back to hitting him. Becket ran in and pulled him off as he yelled "Where's my money?"
"You left money in this house!" Becket shouted. "Unbelievable." Samuel replied looking at him then quickly helped me up beside him. My head was throbbing and all I could make out from the yelling was Sam saying "He's in the gutter now throwing all of that up." Then him calling him an asshole and hill yelling that he was an entrepreneur. "You son of a bitch your never going to see her again. I'll be so happy to play with what's yours." He gripped my arm again and my head throbbed harder not being able to process anything my mind almost blacking out. Sam yelled at him to back off and kicked him hard sending him flying across the room then black consumed my vision.
When I woke up I was laying down in the back of a car. I rubbed my eyes making my vision clearer. I sat up and saw Becket with a bloody bandage on his head and Samuel driving. "What? S-Sam what happened? Is this your car?"
"We're disappearing. To another place. Is your head still hearting?"
"Yes but not as bad as Beckets. What happened?"
"Things got out of hand." Becket replied. "You should get some more sleep. We'll be arriving to our new home soon." I nodded closing my eyes. When I woke up again Samuel was carrying me up some stares into a small bug nice flat with two bedrooms a bathroom and a time kitchen and hall closet. He saw that I was awake but continued to carry me anyway. It was totally empty but I expected we would be filling it with furniture soon. I grabbed my mini bandaid kit from my pocket and grabbed an needle and thread unwrapping Beckets wound. "Hold your breath." I said and began stitching his head after cleaning it throughly. I put a new bandage on it. "Thank you." He said and I nodded laying my head on Samuels lap. "I'll apply for a job when we are settled. That money won't last long with all the stuff we'll need and I know we are going to need some extra money anyway."
"Don't worry about that right now. Right now let's just focus on getting some rest and starting our new lives." He payed down and I nuzzled my head into his neck cuddling close to him.

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