Chapter 3 - The Fire Dragon

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Lucy's POV

The bell rang signalling the end of the school day. The end of my first day at work. As my last class of the day was packing up, one of my new female students, Yui, walked up to my desk. "Miss Heartfilia, I have a question about the upcoming assessment" she asked. "Ok, what's your question?" I replied with a smile. It warms my heart to see students eager to learn about literature. "I was wondering if I should write the short story in first or third person?" she asked. I hummed and touched my chin in thought. "I think you should write it in first person so you can connect to your character along with the reader" I advised. She smiled at my advice, "thanks Miss Heartfilia" she replied and then walked out of the classroom.

I quickly gathered the rest of my equipment and then wiped the blackboard before exiting the classroom. As I was walking down the hallway, I watched the students leaving the school grounds with their groups of friends, boyfriends or girlfriends. Some were running to catch up with their friends. It reminded me of when I was in high school.

"Boo" someone abruptly whispered in my ear which made me jump a metre away. "Ah!" I screamed while clutching my bag to my chest and turning around to the culprit which turned out to be Natsu. He had a proud cheeky grin on his face. "Don't scare me like that!" I shouted and his grin widened. "But it's fun to mess with you" he replied. I huffed while turning my back on him and then walked away from him.

"Aw come on Lucy don't be like that" he whined as he chased after me. I kept ignoring him until he stopped in front of me. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me" he begged. "Fine but what are you doing here?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Did you forget? I'm going to show you the way to Mira's bar" he replied and then I remembered. "Oh, I almost forgot" I said, and he chuckled. It was cute.

"So um, did you drive to work?" he asked curiously. "Ah no, I walk to work" I replied, and he smiled a big toothy grin. "Great, then we can take my ride. Let's go" he said and then pulled me with him by my wrist. He dragged me all the way to the staff parking lot. We stopped when we reached a motorbike with red dragon scales design. "Tada! This is my ride. I call it the Fire Dragon. Fastest motorbike around" he boasted proudly. "And has an anti-motion sickness lacrima inside" Happy snickered as he popped out of nowhere. "Happy! Why did you tell her!" Natsu complained. "You get motion sick Natsu?" I asked and he sighed in defeat. "Yeah, all the Dragon Slayers get it. You could say it's a side effect of our magic" he replied. "Ah" I said, taking in this interesting new information.

"Anyway here" he said as he picked up the black helmet with a bright red Fairy Tail insignia on the side from the handle and slipped it over my head. "I only have one, so you can use it" he added. "But isn't it illegal to ride without a helmet?" I questioned but he smiled. "It'll be fine. Mira's bar isn't far from here anyway" he replied. I hummed in worry, worrying about what would happen if we got into an accident. He could get seriously hurt. "Trust me" he insisted and all I could do was agree. "Great" he cheered and then threw a leg over the motorbike.

"Hop on" he said as he pats the seat behind him. I'd never ridden a motorbike before but I hesitated when I realised I was wearing a skirt. "U-Um" I muttered, and he looked up at me confused. "What's wrong?" he asked cluelessly. "I'm wearing a skirt" I told him, but he looked unfazed. "So?" he questioned and I felt like hitting my head at how dense he is. "I can't ride a motorbike in a skirt" I stated and then he seemed to understand this time. "Don't worry you won't flash. I promise" he replied and I decided to trust him. 'If I do flash, then I can always give him a Lucy Kick when we stop' I thought. "Ok" I said as I carefully threw a leg over behind him. My skirt crawled up my leg a bit but thankfully it still covered my butt.

Natsu suddenly grasped my hands and wrapped my arms around himself so I was hugging him from behind. "Hold on to me tightly" he said and I tightened my grip around his torso slightly. He gave me a quick smile over his shoulder to let me know I was doing the right thing. "You loooooove~ her" the flying blue cat teased, reminding us of his presence. "Shut up Happy!" Natsu shouted, shooing him away with his hand while I felt a blush heat up my cheeks. Luckily, the helmet was hiding it.

Happy giggled before flying a little higher. "Meet you there!" he said before flying off. With the flying blue furball gone, Natsu looked over his shoulder at me one more time with a smile before revving up the engine. It sounded like a dragon growling. He mouthed the word 'ready?' and I nodded before he drove it out of the parking lot and onto the street. It roared down the street like a dragon. Now I know how it got its name.

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