Chapter 8 - Balance Brothers

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Natsu's POV

"What's taking her so long?" I asked as Happy and I were waiting for Lucy by our hiding spot. She's been in there for a while, and she hasn't come out to help us sneak in. Suddenly I heard a faint scream coming from the mansion and I immediately recognised who's it was. I whipped my head around towards the mansion and then ran towards it. "Natsu, Lucy told us to wait" Happy said as he flew beside me. "I heard Lucy's scream" I replied and then punched my way through the steel gate with my flaming fist.

I followed Lucy's scent through the mansion, smashing into every door and wall standing in my way until I reached a large fancy double door. Without a moment to lose, I kicked down the door with a flaming kick. On the other side was a sight that greatly angered me. We found Lucy being pinned down on a three-seat brown leather couch by Duke Finkleman. His dirty hands were holding her wrists tightly, so Lucy wasn't able to reach her keys to protect herself. Her maid uniform was slightly dishevelled, and tears were peeking from the corner of her eyes. "Natsu!" she cried out, happy and relieved to see me.

Duke Finkleman glared at me and Happy for intruding, but I bet my glare was ten times worse. I don't want to imagine what he would've done to her if we had been here any later. "Get away from her" I warned while forming a ball of fire in my hand. A second later I threw it in between them, making Duke Finkleman jump away from Lucy. She immediately got off the couch and ran to stand behind me. "Are you ok Lucy?" I heard Happy ask while I was still glaring at Duke Finkleman. "I am now" she replied.

"I should've expected wizards to come snooping around sooner or later. Come forth Balance Brothers!" Duke Finkleman smirked and then his bookcase opened up to reveal a pair of twins. The one on the right had messy white hair and a smirk on his face, while the one on the left had messy black hair and a bored expression. Even though they both have the same face, they were complete opposites.

The white hair twin had a white v-neck collar shirt, blue high-collared open jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, light brown pants and black boots. The black hair twin had a loose black collar shirt with the top three buttons undone, a red buttoned-up vest, dark brown pants and black boots. Both of them had a wolf-like insignia on the side of their neck in the same colour as their hair. "You called for us sir" the white hair twin smirked.

"I know that insignia! They're from the Northern Wolves Guild. It's a mercenary guild" Happy explained. "Natsu, try to keep them busy. I think I know where he could be hiding the painting" Lucy quietly said to me. "Right" I replied with a smirk and smashed my fist into my palm while looking at the enemies in front of us. Looks like I'll get to fight someone after all.

"Also be careful, Duke Pervert knows Aikido" Lucy quietly warned me before running off behind me and out of the room. I chuckled at her new nickname for the perverted Duke. "Go with her Happy. She might need some help" I told my little buddy. "Are you sure you don't need me here, Natsu?" he asked, to be sure. "Thanks but I got this" I replied confidently. "Ok" he said and then flew after Lucy.

"I'm going after the girl. You two take care of Pinky here" Duke Finkleman said before running into the open bookcase the twins came out of. He must have secret passageways all over the place...that's so cool! It's like a secret fort! Oops, bad time to fanboy.

"So you're a fire wizard" the white hair twin said. "Yeah, so what?" I retorted. "Unfortunately for you, we are very good at handling element type wizards" he replied and then turned to his twin. "Ready Bro?" he asked. "Yeah" his twin replied bored and then the white hair twin leapt at me. He raised this fist to punch me, but I quickly dodged him. Suddenly his twin came out of my blind spot behind me and swung his leg to kick me. I put my arms up in an X formation to block his kick which pushed me forcibly out the open office door and into the hallway.

I flipped backwards in mid-air and landed on my feet. "Do you know what a wizard's greatest weakness is?" the white hair twin asked as he and his twin walked out of the office. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, bored with where this was going. "Their weakness is their bodies" the black hair twin replied, plainly.

Both twins leapt at me and took turns trying to hit me. Their moves were so synchronised. When I dodged one twin, the other would attack. I tried to keep my distance as much as possible but it was hard to find the opportunity to attack in this hallway. If I had more room, I could attack.

"Since wizards have to hone in on their mental abilities, they neglect to train their bodies which leaves them physically weak. While on the other hand, we focus on our physical abilities, so we have more strength and speed than you" the white hair twin rambled. They stopped their relentless attacks when we made it down the hallway and into a large ballroom.

"So you're calling yourselves dumb" I laughed and they glared at me. Now that we were in a larger room, I have more space to attack. "Now it's my turn! I'm going to blow you away! Fire Dragon Roar!" I chanted and blew flames at them. The black hair twin pulled out a mirror-like lacrima from his pocket and my flames were absorbed into it. "This lacrima has the power to absorb your attack and doubles their strength right back at you!" the white hair twin said proudly and then flames shot out of the lacrima towards me. I looked unamused as I took the hit. Do they really think this is going to hurt me? "Ha, now he's a flame cooked wizard" the white hair twin joked and laughed.

I began to slurp up the flames like spaghetti and the twins watched on in horror. "Did he just eat flames?" the black hair twin asked in disbelief. "Ah huh" the white hair twin nodded with his jaw dropped. I smirked, "now I've got a fire in my belly" I said and then crossed my arms in an X formation, ready for my next attack. "Fire Dragon Wing attack!" I chanted as I raised my arms above my head and then threw them down in a circular motion. The force of my attack blew up the entire room and probably the surrounding rooms as well. Both twins were lying on the ground defeated and burnt. "Oh no, did I overdo it again?" I asked myself. Oh well, now I need to search for Lucy and Happy.

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