Chapter 4 - Fairy Bar

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Lucy's POV

After a quick drive through the streets, Natsu stopped the bike in front of a place called 'Fairy Bar'. He hopped his leg over and off his bike before helping me get off. I slipped off the helmet and handed it back to him. "Thanks for letting me use your helmet" I said and he smiled. "No problem" he replied and then hung it over the handle.

Looking up at the bar, it was in a two storey brick building with a large yellow neon sign saying 'Fairy Bar' above the glass door and windows. I could hear people being rowdy inside from where I stood. "Sounds like everyone has started without us. Come on" Natsu said excitedly. We then walked towards the door with Natsu a few steps ahead of me.

As soon as we entered, a wooden stool was thrown at us. I screamed and put my arms up to shield myself while Natsu shattered the stool with his flaming fist. Wait..."Your hand is on fire!" I exclaimed. "That's because he's a Fire Dragon Slayer" Happy explained from a nearby table, eating a raw fish. 'Oh, so Natsu's magic is fire?' I thought, interested. "Who threw that?!" Natsu demanded looking through the crowd for the culprit. "What took you so long Flame for Brains?" Gray asked with a smirk, missing his shirt. "It was you wasn't it Ice Stripper?!" Natsu shouted as he stomped over and smashed his forehead against his.

Mira walked over to me with a tray in her hand as the boys began to fight. "Glad to see you could come, Lucy. Did you find the place alright?" she asked. "Yeah, Natsu drove me here" I replied. "They loooooove~ each other" Happy snickered. I whipped my head to him and shouted "shut it you stupid cat!" He chuckled before flying over to a Panther Lily on the other side of the room. Mira giggled then a glass bottle flew in front of my face and smashed on the wall beside me. That almost hit me!

"Come with me" Mira said as she grasped my wrist and pulled me over to the bar counter. The smile never left her face the whole time. Erza was on a stool at the bar counter enjoying a slice of strawberry shortcake with a happy smile on her face. Mira walked behind the counter while I sat on the stool next to Erza. "Would you like a drink Lucy?" Mira asked and I didn't feel like drinking tonight plus it's a school night. "Do you make milkshakes?" I asked and she nodded. "Then can I have a strawberry milkshake please?" I asked and she replied "coming right up" with a sweet smile.

Before she started making my milkshake, she stops in front of Erza. "Erza, can you please stop Natsu and Gray before they destroy my bar again" she asked in a sweet tone which didn't match her words. 'Again?! They've destroyed this place before?!' I thought in surprise. "Sure Mira" Erza replied before taking the last bit of her cake and then stomping over to the boys. I noticed the boys' fight had escalated into a fist fight. I watched as she grabbed both boys by their hair and smashed their foreheads together. I couldn't help but cringe, that looked like it hurt.

Natsu crawled over to me and hugged my waist while sitting on his knees. What the hell is he doing?! "Lushee, Erza gave me a boo boo" he whined like a little two year old. I ignored what he said and tried pushing him off of me. "Get off Natsu" I complained but he wouldn't let go. "He seems attached to you" Mira giggled. "I don't know why though. We just met today" I replied while still trying to pry him off of me. "You're fun to mess with, Lucy" Natsu said honestly and I became angry. "You think it's fun to mess with me huh?" I repeated in a dark tone with a glare. He stared up at me scared before I 'Lucy-Kicked' him across the bar. "You'll fit in just fine" Mira giggled with a bright smile which I returned.

After drinking my milkshake and having a chat with some of the girls, I decided to head home. As soon as I was out the door, I summoned one of my silver keys, Plue. He's a four legged white creature, who stands on two feet, around the size of Happy with an orange cone for a nose. He doesn't need much magic power to pass through the gate and he makes an excellent walking companion. "Let's go home Plue" I said and he replied with a "puun puun". He's the cutest dog ever!

I picked him up in my arms and started walking down the street. "Lucy!" I heard someone call out behind me when I reached the end of the street. I turned around to see Natsu running towards me. As soon as he was in front of me, he skidded to a stop as he stared at Plue in my arms. "What the hell is that thing?" he asked in amazement. "This is Plue, one of my Celestial Spirits" I replied. He tilted his head which was kind of cute. "Celestial Spirit?" he questioned. I pulled my gate keys off my belt and held them up for him to see. "I'm a Celestial wizard. I can summon a spirit using these gate keys" I explained and then put my keys back on my belt.

"So cool! Can you summon a dragon?" he asked excitedly. "I don't have a dragon spirit and even if I did, why would you want me to summon one?" I asked. "So I could practice my magic on it" he replied enthusiastically while punching the air like a boxer. "You don't summon Celestial Spirits just to practice your magic on them!" I shouted and then sighed. "Anyway, did you need me for something?" I asked since he must've had a reason to come out here to talk to me.

"Oh yeah" he remembered why he was out here. "You're going home right? Let me give you a lift" he offered. "It's ok, my place isn't that far from here" I replied. It was sweet of him to offer though. "If it's not that far then let me walk with you. It's dangerous walking by yourself at this time of night" he insisted. I thought about it for a second. It's around ten o'clock at night and I wouldn't want to run into a pervert on the way home. "Ok, I'll take up your offer. Thank you" I replied and he smiled. "Where's Happy?" I asked as we started walking. "He's challenging Panther Lily to an arm wrestle" he chuckled, and I giggled. I had no doubt that Panther Lily would win that challenge.

Time flew by as Natsu told me about how he pranks some of the other staff members especially Gray, and soon we arrived at my apartment. It's a two story apartment with red brick walls and a dark brown sloping roof. A real steal at 70,000 jewel a month. I love everything about this place from the tub to all the floor space to the amazing closets. It even has a retro fireplace and stove.

We stopped in front of my door and I turned to Natsu. "Thanks for walking me home" I said with a smile. "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow" he replied with a smile before heading back to Fairy Bar. I gave him a wave before entering my apartment for a good night's rest.

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