Chapter 22 - Jealous?

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Natsu's POV

'Ow, stupid Erza' I thought as I rubbed my head. Where did Lucy go? I need to walk her home. I tried searching for her in her classroom but the whole room was empty. I decided to try the staffroom, but she wasn't there either. "Looking for someone Natsu?" Levy asked as she was at her desk packing up for the day with Gajeel beside her. "I can't find Lucy. I'm supposed to be walking her home. Have you seen her?" I asked. "Ice Stripper offered to walk Bunny Girl home. They left a few minutes ago" Gajeel said. "Frost Bite did WHAT?!" I exclaimed and ran out of the staffroom. Hopefully, they haven't left the campus yet.

Luckily, I found them walking towards the front gate. "Lucy!" I called out and they both stopped. They turned around and Gray tsked when he saw me. "Why did you leave without me?" I asked Lucy with a pout. She gave me an apologetic smile, "sorry Natsu. Gray offered because he wanted to talk about our job this weekend and you seemed busy with Erza" she replied. Sounded reasonable but I'm still not happy with Gray taking her home.

"Why aren't you taking Juvia home Ice Princess?" I asked since he already had a girl to take home. "She's sick today" he replied. Damn, he's got a good reason. "Anyway, my car is right over there so let's go Lucy" he added. "No, I'm taking her on my motorbike" I argued, and Gray took it as a challenge. "She'll be safer in my car than on your motorbike Flame Brain" he argued while squaring up to me. I squared up to him, Lucy is my friend and it's my responsibility to get her home safely.

Lucy's loud sigh interrupted us and we turned to look at her. "If you boys can't agree on who is going to take me home then I'm just going to walk. See ya" she said and started walking out of the gate. Gray and I panicked and ran to catch up with her. We stood on either side of her as we walked towards her apartment.

"So, what job did you end up taking anyway" I asked Lucy to break the awkward silence. "Oh we're going to be taking down some mountain bandits" she replied. "Isn't that dangerous? I should come with you" I said, trying to convince Lucy to bring me along. I need to keep my eye on Droopy Eyes.

I noticed we ended up at the front of her apartment. "You think I can't protect myself against some bandits?" she said, offended. "No! That's not what I mean. I-" I tried to explain but she interrupted me. "Save it Natsu. See you tomorrow Gray" she said as she unlocked her door and slammed it in my face. To add to my dismay, Gray started laughing hysterically with tears in his eyes. "Nice going Pyro" he said before wiping a tear from his eye and walking off towards the school to pick up his car.

I hesitated on whether I should jump up to her window or leave her to cool down, but it bothered me that she might be angry at me all weekend. I jumped up to her windowsill and almost lost my balance when I suddenly got hit in the face by a pillow. "Get out" Lucy growled but I crawled into her apartment anyway. "I said get out! I don't want to see you right now!" she shouted as she reached for a thick book to throw at me. "Woah, wait wait!" I exclaimed, holding my hands up. She paused her assault to hear me out.

"You are strong. I've seen that on the weekend quests we've been on" I started, and she lowered the book down slightly. "What I meant earlier was...I didn't want you to go without me" I continued, honestly expressing my feelings. Hopefully, my honest answer would help her understand my true intent and that I never thought she was weak. She put down the book and hugged me. Her hug shocked me, but I embraced it and wrapped my arms around her.

"No need to be jealous. Trust me, we'll always be a team. I'm going on this job with Gray so I can get to know my friends more" she said before releasing the hug. I nodded in understanding until I realised a part of what she said. Wait, jealous? "I'm not jealous of that Ice Stripper" I grumbled and crossed my arms. "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night" she giggled and then walked towards her kitchen. "I'm going to make some dinner. Do you want some?" she asked and there was no way I was going to decline free food. "Hell yeah!" I cheered.

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