Coming in hot

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Several sensors were sounding off. The structure sensor, the heat sensor, engine sensor, dangerous speed, and entering gravity upside down sensor. A very rarely used one, that. The small ship began shaking as he tried to turn it over. "Not good!" He yelled when his left engine exploded. "Damn!" He knew this landing was going to be bad.

He felt himself getting pulled deeper into his seat as the G force got higher. He knew he hit something, not when he heard it thump off the hull, but when the ship went spiraling even more out of control and nose-dived into the ground.

He felt heavy, kinda like he was swaying back and forth. "Wha- ugh." He opens his eyes and found he was upside down. The ship must have somehow come to a stop up against a tree. "Oh, I'm not dead." He pulled the belt release and dropped to the ground. Working his way to his feet he took one step before he heard blasters being activated. "Hold, off worlder, state your name and business!"

He yelled at himself in his head. 'Damn, I don't even remember where I jumped to.' He reached out with the force, feeling for the people around him. 'Mhm, four people. Two behind and one on each side.' He weighed his options for a moment. 'My shoulder isn't in too bad a shape.' He rolled it and felt stiffness and a bit of discomfort. 'I can take 'em.'

Taking a deep breath, focusing on the force, he pushed out and blew the quartet away from him. He heard them yell as they flew in opposite directions. "Open fire!" With a flash of light, his saber was ignited and the fight had begun. He zeroed in on the man that was on his right and moved in on him. Deflecting bolts he got closer and closer. With a parry Kanan would be proud of, he deflected the bolt hitting the man's blaster out of his hand. On the downswing, he cut his forearm nearly severing his arm. He was poised to cut the man down. When suddenly he was thrown ten yards to the left.

With a huffed he landed on his hurt shoulder. "Damn it!" Jumping up he blocked more bolts when another man ran in between himself and the one he was fighting. "Ander, stop!" Finding this odd he watched the two. The man turned to face him and removed his helmet. Only now did he notice he was fighting Mandalorians. "Ezra, brother, deep breaths calm down." The man now revealed to be Tristan, Sabine's younger brother. "Were all friends here."

He nodded and extinguished his saber and clipped it onto his belt. "Sorry about the fight. I didn't realize where I was." He was going to approach them and ask for aid when he heard the man he'd nearly killed moan from the ground. "Oh, I can heal his arm." He walked over to him, grabbed his arm, and focused on his presence in the force. A few moments passed and the man's moans had ceased. "Thank you jetii." Ezra nodded at the man and helped him up.

"So what happened Ezra? The crash was spectacular, a burning engine, an exploding engine plus entering gravity upside down and six times over the safe speed." Tristan asked as he crossed his arms. Ezra took a deep breath and sighed. "Thrawn found Chopper base. He attacked with a full fleet complemented by a super star destroyer. We were wrecked before we even knew he had jumped into the system. Only a handful of us managed to get to our ships and make a break for it. Even less made it out of orbit."

"I'm sorry, to hear about this Ezra. I'm certain Sabine will be the same, likely more so." He clapped him on the shoulder while motioning for him to follow him. "I'm certain you'll have a place here for as long as you want it, Ezra."

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