One life to the next

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  This was an odd one from his experiences with visions. The world around him was grayed. No light from the sun came down. No shadow was cast. No sound could be heard, no whisp of wind, birds cooing or flapping wings not even the chirping of insects. He could not hear even his own breathing.

Looking forward he sees Alor kneeling in a pose identical to his. "Hello, Ezra. Thank you for this." He spoke quietly, in contrast to his normal sharp tone. "I didn't know you had such power. To appear after death, that's, that's what the Sith wanted for thousands of years." His eyes drooped, saddened by his friend's fate. "I thought you found peace in death."

Alor rose from his kneeling position. "I did, this isn't happening under my power." Ezra also rose, looking his friend in the eyes. Alor stepped forward, putting his hands on Ezra's shoulders. Meeting his eyes."We know better than anyone, the force does what it wants. The force deemed it fit to allow me to meet with you one last time. So, tell me, how do you plan to destroy the empire?"

"I can't, it's not my destiny. My destiny has already changed more times in the last few months than ever before. Soon, I'll be a husband and father. I want to see my family grow, my children grow. I want to grow old with Sabine. If that means all I do is push them out of Mandalorian space, then that's enough."

Alor smiled, pulling away from him he turned around to face the now visible setting sun. It cast dancing shadows, the sound of chirping bugs became audible as the sun sank lower into the sky. "That's good brother, soon, that's exactly what you'll need to do."

Ezra walked to his side, concerned about his warning. "What do you mean? What's coming?" Alor turned to face him, his body still facing the sunset. "That admiral who took so much from you. He's coming for what's left. You must leave quickly."

Whipping around the world suddenly coming to sharp clarity, full of sound and color. "Sabine! We need to leave, now!" He started running for the ship when Sabine ran up beside him. "What wrong who's here!?" He pushed himself forward jumping over chunks of rubble. "No one's here! It's Krownest! Thrawn's going to attack it. We need to tell them!"

Hearing the news she also picked up her pace. They made it to the ship in record time. As Sabine readied the ship for take-off Ezra was putting the call through. "Ezra, you look roughed up. What happened?" He took a deep breath. "It's Thrawn, he's coming for Krownest, get ready to fight him!" Alrich blanched at the news. Whipping around he left the holoprojector, Ezra heard him shouting orders. Cutting the connection Ezra turned to Sabine.

"Ready?" She nodded. He sat down and let out a sigh. "We might miss the battle. We're a week away." She said, both hoping and not hoping to. "Doubt it, Alor wouldn't have told me if I wasn't to play a part in it." She looked at him surprised. "I thought he was dead?" He nodded, still wondering how the battle will go. "Alor, for some odd reason, was allowed to see me through a vision and told me to get back as fast as I can."

She nodded, not wanting to know more about the force knowing that she could never fully understand it. "Don't worry Sabine. We'll be fine." He reached over and took her hand as he typed in hyperspace coordinates. "We all will be. You, Alrich, Ursa, Tristan, me, and everybody else will be too."

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