In neck deep

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  He felt weird, warm but cool at the same time. He felt like he was in water, but the feel was wrong, it was more like gel. He tried to open his eyes only to find his vision was skewed by blue gel.
He didn't know where he was, who had found him. But he did know he wanted out, he has to find Sabine.

Focusing on the force he found his senses numbed. More than likely the painkillers that were no doubt running through him. Getting annoyed at the lack of results he felt the force overtake him as his frustration gave way and the glass confining him shattered.

Dropping down he looks around the med bay, taking in the telltale signs of the empire. He smiled, that cold callus smile he'd been sporting the last few days. He knew the imperial's weren't ready for what was about to happen. "This is gonna be too easy." He pulled himself into a crouched position as he pooled his energy into his only hand. Creating lightning, the crackling purplish energy writhing within his grasp. He rose to his feet as he let it dissipate, knowing that he could use it at a moment's notice.

Looking up as the door opens he's met with a lone doctor. "Why hello there." The doctor blanched as their eyes met. "Why don't you come in, quietly, not drawing attention to yourself." He moved silently into the room. "I need an arm. Get me an arm." He moved towards a cabinet and pulled a cybernetic arm then sprayed it with sanitizing fluid.

"Alright, ugh, Mister Bridger. Come over here and I'll install the arm." Ezra shuffled over to the operating table. "I thought I would need a cap for the stump, maybe a connection joint." The doctor nodded as he looked his arms stump over. "We've got top of the line cybernetics. With this model, all that needs to be done is press it onto the stump and activate the connectors." Applying the new arm Ezra pulled back to look it over.

"I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd look good in chrome. But I gotta say, I wear it well." The doctor smiled, hoping to avoid the Jedi's rath. Taking a deep breath, Ezra schooled himself. "Now then, doctor..." He turned to look at his nametag. "Crannick. You're a smart man, aren't you?" Crannick nodded. "That's right, now, give me a stimulant and more painkiller. Then, show yourself out." Ezra heard him swallow. Turned to face him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't get it twisted, I won't kill you or anyone who runs from me here. But this things going down, so abandon ship."

"Mister Bridger. Before you, uh, enact your vengeance. The inquisitor, the nineteenth brother. He brought in a prisoner, the young lady Wren. You may want to retrieve her before you uh, well, you know." Ezra nodded at his information.

Striding into the hallway he's met with two stormtroopers. "You there! You're not supposed to move about unsupervised!" He waved his hand, throwing one into the wall, knocking him unconscious. Pulling the second trooper to his hand he held him in the air by his neck. "You will take me to Sabine." He took a breath and pulled energy into his other hand, creating lightning. "Or I'll fry you and ask the next, more helpful, Imperial."

The trooper nodded as Ezra dropped him onto the ground. "F-follow me... Jedi." Following the trooper, Ezra moved through the destroyer with impunity. Arriving at a door in the officer's quarters Ezra glared at the door the trooper took him to. "If anything, unbefitting, of an Imperial officer is going on in there I'll kill you slowly." With that said he walked through the door. Leaving the trooper to run down the hall.

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