Ever changing

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He breathed deeply, almost exhausted from the counter-attack. Reaching out he couldn't feel the inquisitor. "Ran for it. Good." He sighed, glad to be rid of the inquisitor. A thought struck him and he blanched. "TRISTAN!" Running through the wreckage proved difficult due to the smoke, heat, and debris.

"Tristan!" Looking around he couldn't find him. "Damn it, where is he? Tristan!" Looking around he only saw the wreckage. Reaching out he could feel him faintly, his presence was moving, getting farther away. "Damn it."

Breaking off into a force empowered sprint he lept over debris and uprooted trees alike. He felt Tristan's signature in the force getting closer. He just barely saw him on the horizon when a red light appeared not far from him. "Shit!" He felt Tristan's mood shift from saddened and nervous to fear, but tinged with finality. 'She's gonna kill him!'

Jumping with more energy than he ever had before and that coupled with the incredible speed he was running sent him flying.

He saw everything slower than normal. Be it force enhanced perception or simple adrenaline. He saw he was flying in at just the right spot to intercept her. 'She's walking up to him.' He noticed as he got closer and closer. 'She's overexerted herself from running.' He smiled, knowing that lightsaber or not, he had the advantage.

He turned himself around mid-flight, now his feet were out front. He saw his trajectory and how she was walking toward Tristan. He would connect with her face with enough speed to kick off her head. He smiled.

His smile turned to a yell as she looked his way and ducked. "Damn it!" Rolling onto his side he avoided most of the impact but knew he would be badly bruised come morning. "You again! Be damned Jedi!" She yelled as he got up from the snowy ground. "Ya know, sister, you're a lot like a bad case of hapes you know that?"

He almost laughed when he felt her mood shift from annoyed to an odd mix of offended and outraged. "How dare you!" She threw her saber at him in a rage. Using the force he batted the weapon far to the side. "It's time to end this." He almost gaped at himself, he never speaks like that, or with, in his opinion such sureness of victory.

Pulling his blaster from his hip he aimed. "That's not the way of the Jedi." She said quietly but yet her voice carried over to him. "That's true, but I'm out for revenge, I'm engaged and had a spice problem when I was younger. None of that is the Jedi way. My life has rarely followed the Jedi way. But the Jedi are long dead, who I was is long dead. But now, I've decided to follow the Mandalorian way."

She seemed more surprised than anything else. "The Jedi were inflexible, to sure of themselves. Too unwilling to change. I changed, my master changed, and now I've changed again. Now I'm some odd mix of Mandalorian and Jedi. And today proved that to me." She tried to take in what he said but just couldn't process it. She shook her head at him and squared her shoulders.

Using the force he pulled Tristan's second blaster from his belt and tossed it to her. "Defend yourself." After a moment of stillness, the two fired. Their shots flew towards the other but before they could cross the halfway point the two bolts hit one another. Again, stillness overtook them. He felt through the force, he felt the hesitation of the inquisitor, the nervousness of Tristan, and even the animals hiding in the nearby tree line.

He sensed it, her one moment, no matter how small it was, her one moment of losing focus. At that moment, he fired. His shot proved to be true as the bolt flew towards her and ripped through her neck, leaving her head to limply fall to the side as she fell to the ground.

Pulling the blaster to himself he walks to Tristan and returns his blaster. "An impressive display. And monologue." He nodded, looking off to the side. "Yeah." Extending his hand he pulls her saber to his hand. "An incredible prize. But why? You don't seem the type." He just looked down at the lightsaber. "I once knew a Jedi. She didn't like being called a Jedi, but that's what she was, aside from a Togruta. But, she had beaten an inquisitor and took the lightsaber, stopped it's bleeding, and kept them. The inquisitor's lightsaber had two crystals. I'll do the same."

Before the duo walked away Ezra set fire to the inquisitor's body, the traditional cremation for Jedi.


This is the longest chapter yet at seven hundred and ninety-seven words before the note.

So, the insult. I like it but I feel that most of you won't get it so decided to put in the explanation.

Hapes. Is a sexually transmitted disease. It was known for a lot of itching and burning and couldn't be cured but only treated. It would eventually kill the infected person. Due to Disney buying star wars the disease is no longer canon.

Spice is an illegal drug with mind-altering effects.

If you like the story be sure to tell me, the comments help the story and make my day. If you have ideas or criticism or even corrections in the wording tell me, I want to know. Have a good day and or night and may the force be with you.


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