Storms brewing

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  Ezra lazily walked down the hall as he made his way to the private dining room. Entering the room he finds Ursa and Sabine looking at a datapad. "Whatcha guys looking at?" He asked as he sat down next to Sabine, draping his arm over her shoulder. "We're looking at baby stuff." He nodded but couldn't help but wonder why. "Baby stuff? Why would we need baby stuff? Wouldn't we keep the baby in the nursery with the others?"

"No Ezra. Those babies, their parents are dead. They're waiting for someone to take them as theirs." He nodded at the answer. Saddened by the information. "I know Ez. But none of them are left parentless for long. Someone always takes them." He nodded, then smiled at her. "Have I said you look great today?" She smiled as he leaned down towards her. He stopped just a few inches away from her when he felt a light tapping on his hand. Looking up he found Ursa looking at him, a small smile showing on the edges of her mouth.

"Oh, ugh, Sabine your mom." She turned to find Ursa looking at the two. "Oh, sorry." Now Ursa smiled without holding it back. "It's fine dear, but, we do have things to do." Sabine nodded and held Ezra's hand as she returned her attention to the datapad. Looking over he finds a lot of not baby-related things on the datapad. "Baby stuff, eh, Bean?"

"So, as you've deduced Ezra we're not looking at 'baby stuff'. This is a broadcast from one of the scout teams. I've got eyes on the destroyer you brought down. Now, look here." Zooming in on a recording he saw three troopers pulling a dead blue man in a tattered white admiral's shirt. "Thrawn... he didn't survive the crash." Both women nodded. "Good, that's one-third of the empire's most threatening killed off."

The two nodded at his assessment. Happy to be rid of the grand admiral. "The good news aside, I have a mission for you." He nodded as Sabine turned to face her mother. He quirked a brow when he felt Sabine get almost mad at her mother. "He'll be fine dear." Ursa said to Sabine while still looking at him.

"So, the imperial's are in a tight spot. That's obvious. So that makes me worried about one of our storage areas. We keep fuel there, think of it as a giant gas station. I don't want it to be raided so I want you there. Now then, I'm sending you ahead. You won't be alone for long. Once Tristan and Alrich return they'll be sent along with an assault team to help you defend the depot."

He squinted, thinking. "So, I'll be alone, no one else?" Ursa side but nodded. "Unfortunately. We don't have the men. So, yes, you'll be alone there. I doubt they'll attack, too afraid the place has a garrison." He nodded, thinking about how creepy and tense it would be to be the only person in the whole place and just waiting for an attack. "Okay, so when do I leave?"

"When you're ready. But I would like you to leave today." He nodded as he took a breath and got up, taking Sabine with him. "I'll be borrowing Sabine for a while." Before either woman could give their opinion on the matter he pulled Sabine into his arms and walked out of the dining hall. Sauntering down the hall and into their room he locked the door with the force as he let her down on their bed. "I'm thinking I need some alone time with you before I go." She smiled as they began a heated kiss.

Entering the apparently empty fuel depot Ephraim sighed. "Well, at least I don't need to fight off the guards.

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