The only thing to fear

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  Ursa was typing on a computer terminal as Alrich rushed through the room, clad in his armor. "Alrich dear, where are you going?" He stopped mid-motion as he whipped around to face her. "Tristan didn't return to the forward outpost. I'm going to find him, make sure he's well."

She hummed as she checked the logs. "Mhm, that is odd, nearly a day and no check-in. That isn't like him." Looking up from the computer she waved him over to her. "How about before we go out and bother him, we simply call the outpost and request the late updates." He sighed but nodded at her idea. "Make the call." She typed the number in and waited, and waited and waited. "I knew it." He huffed and rushed for the door.

Ursa not liking how this looks herself followed him. Sending a message throughout the network that Sabine is in charge for the time being. "What do you think happened?" He didn't respond but picked up his pace towards the hangar. "I don't know, they could have been attacked, technical difficulties, they could be attacking the imperial's. A whole score of possibilities. Only a few of them I like."

Ander observed the carnage of the former battlefield. "Captain, how far are we from Lord Tristan's signal?" Ander turned to face the man when he received an update request from the fortress. "Oh, yes, they are due an update." The Captain nodded, not surprised they forgot. "Should we answer, Sir?" Ander shook his head as he looked at the monitor. "No, not yet. We still don't know where Lord Tristan is. Once we do we'll report in."

"Lan, do you think Tristan is alive?" Land, the captain, simply shrugged. "I don't know. He might be. But I wouldn't put money on it. Especially after that inquisitor ripped through the outpost."

They both sighed. "The imperials have kicked it into high gear recently haven't they? First that overbold attack, killing Lord Ezra. Now a free-range inquisitor doing as he pleases. The imperials are going all out these days, think they'll use that fleet they used on Chopper base on us?" Land nodded, not moving his gaze from the monitors.

"I've got his signal, Ander. Let's get going." He nodded as they got underway. After a few minutes of wandering the empty battlefield, they found Tristan, lying flat on the cold ground. He was pale, a light shade of blue. His left arm was gone, simply not present. He had a small hole centered where his chest became his stomach. "He doesn't look good." Ander spoke quietly, saddened by his friend's fate. "He looks dead Ander, that's what he looks like."

The duo blanched when they heard a grunt as Tristan moved his head and looked up at them. "I was sleeping, but if you two want to give a eulogy I'd say it's a tad inappropriate." Dropping down to his knees Land pulled his medical supplies from his pack and began applying both pain killers and adrenaline. "Don't worry Lord Tristan, we'll get you back in fighting shape in no time."

Tristan let a breathless laugh. "Honestly, I'd rather you didn't. I don't like my odds against the inquisitor a second time." Ander knelt next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "So the inquisitor found you first." Tristan nodded at the question. "Ander, the inquisitor, he's looking for Sabine. He knows she pregnant, he's, well... he's also Ezra's father and he wants his grandchild."

The two men blanched at the news. Surprised, alarmed, and wary.

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