Alone time part II

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  As Sabine set the bomb at the engine he was downloading the BlackBox's data and scrolling through the logs. "Mhm, I was her ninth target." He muttered to himself. "Aaand there's three more after me." He smiled. "Well, Alor said there was six left and I've already gotten three of them killed this year I'd say they've got good odds." His smile dropped, darker thoughts overtaking him. "Unless Vader comes for 'em."

Logging in as the inquisitor he marked himself as dead. "Well, I can't cover for you guys but at least I know Vader won't be coming here anytime soon."

Sabine entered the cockpit, primed detonator in hand. "Alright, this things all rigged up and ready to blow. Let's go." He nodded as he pulled away from the terminal and pulled the data tap from the floor and BlackBox to his hand. "Let's." They left the ship hand in hand. Smiling to one another they both nodded. In a psychedelic display of color in an orchestrated show of artistic brilliance the ship exploded. "As pretty as ever Sabine." She nodded, happy with the praise. "Thank you. I gave that one more paint than usual." He gripped her hand a bit more and leaned over to her. "I wasn't talking about the explosion."

His smile persisted when he felt her flush with embarrassment. His happy smile changed to a devious one. "Also, Sabine, I gotta say I'm a fan of the new tights." She swatted his arm, more than happy with the flirting. "Well, I'm glad you like them. I gotta agree, but I don't think my ass will ever be as nice as yours, Ez." He scoffed. "My ass? Please, I don't even do squats normally. But you? I've seen you with those weights in the mornings."

They smiled. "Isn't that a bit too much? Seems like you watch my butt all day." She teased as she started swinging their hands. "Well, I was always letting you lead back in the rebellion." She laughed at his returned banter.

He was happy. Not just on the surface like he was when he got back into the rebellion. But truly happy. Sabine made him happy. He and Tristan got along surprisingly well. Alrich always made him feel welcome in his own dad like way of teasing and plotting. Ursa, he was surprised to find more to her than a stiff warrior leader of her people. And somehow, being here, on the frozen world of Krownest with them, made him happy.

"Thanks, Sabine." She looked up at him a bit surprised at his sudden gratitude. "For what?" He pulled his hand away from her and looped his arm around her waist. "Just in general." She hummed at him, please with his affections. "You're welcome, Ezra."

They entered their ship and sat down in the kitchen area. Not a moment passed between them before their helmets were off and the two were too caught up with themselves to care about much more. Pulling away with a gasp the duo happily looked at each other. Pulling her up with himself he made way for the only bedroom on the ship, their bedroom. "Your father can't complain about me taking you 'so brazenly' if hes not here to see it." She laughed as the door closed behind them.

Whipping his head aside he sneezed with such force he was glad he wasn't congested or it would have hurt badly. Rubbing his nose he looks around the hall. "Someone's talking about me." He turned his head again when he felt Ursa swat his arm. "Don't be so full yourself Alrich." He harrumphed at her. "I am serious! They say you only sneeze when people are talking about you!" Again she swatted his arm. "Please, we just need to have the hall dusted is all."


Hello there. This chapter isn't anything special compared to the others but I just wanted to say thank you for making this the most viewed story I've ever made. Have a good day and or night and may the force be with you.


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