Chapter 21

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Katie stepped into her grandfather's office. "You said you wanted to see me?" she said, stepping up to his desk. She rubbed her hands nervously. She still couldn't make up her mind on the whole "who to trust" thing. She sat down at the chair across from Bradford. She readjusted herself a few times, then looked up at him.

"Katie, dear, why are you acting so nervous around me?" Bradford asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me? Nervous? I'm not nervous. Why would I be? I'm back home safe with you. I'm doing the right thing," she said, more to herself than to him.

"You are. Those McDuck's didn't care for you. They only wanted to use you," he said.

She nodded to herself. "So, what did you want to tell me anyway?" she said, shaking herself of her thoughts. She leaned up against the dark wooden desk and fiddled her thumbs.

"Oh nothing... except a mission for you," he said smirking.

The moment it clicked in Katie's head what he had said, she nearly jumped out of her seat. "Really? For reals? Are you being real right now!" she said. She jumped to her feet and did an excited twirl. Then she leaned in close to him from across the desk.

Bradford chuckled and nodded. "Really."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" the robin squealed. She couldn't keep from jumping up and down. Bradford stared at her. When she caught his gaze, she stopped jumping. Patting down her dress, she cleared her throat. "I mean... yeah that's great news," she said in a more tame manner.

Bradford let a smile cross his face and ruffled her hair. "Oh Katie, I really did miss you," he said warmly.

She hugged him tight. "Thank you so much grandpa!" she said, then almost ran out the door.

"Wait, you don't even know what it is yet," Bradford said.

She stopped and spun around blushing. "Oh right. My mission is?" she said. Her excitement toned down a bit. She had to look like she knew what she was doing. This was her chance to prove she could handle it. Taking in a deep breath, she calmed herself and stood up straight. "What is my mission?"

"Your mission is to get Isabella Finch's journal," he said.

He pressed a button on his remote and the monitor behind him lit up. For a moment while it loaded, it displayed the FOWL logo. A globe being scooped up by a vulture talon. The lights dimmed to easier display the screen. The whole room had a red hue to it. Katie looked around when the lights changed. She bit her beak from getting too excited again.

Finally, the image showed the journal in question. (I couldn't find a picture of the journal and I couldn't remember what it looked like, so I made my own description). The book was leather. The front and back cover were tan while the binding was deep reddish brown. A calligraphy I was marked with ink over another letter, F.

Katie studied it in her mind so she'd know what it looked like. "So, where do I find this book?" she said.

Bradford raised an eyebrow. "The Ducks didn't tell you?" he said.

Katie shook her head. "I don't even think they know where it is," she said, trying to recall if they had told her.

Bradford clenched his fist. "Well then, I'm sorry Katie, but if that's the case, I don't have a mission for you."

Katie slumped. Disappointment was written all over her face. She exchanged her look for a determined one and ran up to her grandfather. "Oh, please grandpa, you have to give a mission! I'll take any job! Just give me something to do!" she said, putting on the best puppy dog eyes she could. She got down on her knees and looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Pleeeeeeeese?"

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