Chapter 27

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Shakespeare's Julius Caesar be like:

"What's your job?"

"A cobbler."

"No, but what do you do for a living?"

"Fix shoes."


I'm sorry, someone gave me a book of Shakespeare plays and now you all have been forced to suffer. But for real though, that's not even a joke, the play opens like that.

What'd y'all think of the DT finale? I liked it overall except for the plot twist and lack of evil Huey, but I guess you can't have it all.

Alrighty, here you go. Enjoy.

The ducks at the mansion were trying to think of a way to stop FOWL when there was a hard knock on the door.

Webby opened the door and gasped. "Gyro? Gandra! What is she doing here?" The duckling glared at the raven haired girl. All Webby's instincts told her to be on the offensive, but she resisted.

Gandra rose her hands defensively. "Hey now, kid, I'm on our side!"

Fenton moved to stand next to Webby. "I've heard that before..." He crossed his arms and frowned.

Gandra rolled her eyes. "I'm being serious Suit!"

"Despite how much I hate to admit it, she is telling the truth," Gyro said, pushing past the two and into the house.

"Where's Boyd?" Violet asked from the stair steps.

"Back safe at the lab," he said. He adjusted his glasses. "Miss Dee and I went to FOWL headquarters to save Gizmo Duck and his little friend, but when we got there, it seemed they had it taken care of."

"Oh, Dr. Gearloose, I didn't know you car-"

"Don't read too much into it." Gyro waved his hand. "Anyways, we did get one thing good from our little adventure."

"We figured out a little bit more of their plan." Gandra moved to the center of the room.

"Aren't you part of FOWL?" Gosalyn raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"I'm a changed bird or whatever. Okay, listen." She started pacing the foyer. "Dr. Akita said he used to be on a team of 'visionaries'. They wanted to change the world. There were three of them. Akita, Isabella Finch, and some guy named Thaddeus Waddlemeyer." That earned a gasp from two of her audience. Webby and Gandra looked to Drake and Gosalyn.

"Do you know who that is?" Webby asked.

Drake nodded while Gosalyn looked down and rubbed her arm. "He was my grandpa. Does that mean... he worked for FOWL?" Webby was wondering the same thing.

"I don't think so. I think they were friends before FOWL was formed. The three of them worked together on some sort of machine. But Akita tried to use it for bad, so Finch and Waddlemeyer made a code to use it and they hid it in her journal. That's why they need it." Gandra looked determined. She took a deep breath. "Akita didn't mention what the machine did, but whatever it is can't be good. That's why we have to keep the journal safe."

Gyro turned to Gosalyn. "Maybe you could ask your grandfather for the code so we can be one step ahead of them."

She bit her lip. "Yeah, that's a no go. He's sorta... gone."

The room went silent. "I'm sorry..." Gandra smiled sadly. "It's probably best we don't know the code. The less we know, the less likely they can get information from us."

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