Chapter 12

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*Maniacal laugh
Readers: Why are you doing that?
Me: Oh no reason.... He he he....

It had been one week since Huey had joined FOWL. In that time, Katie realized that Huey would randomly be sad, and she assumed he was thinking about his family. She felt bad for him. From what her grandfather had told her about them, they didn't sound like a very good family. They had ignored him and got mad at him when he made the slightest mistake.

One afternoon, Katie was with Black Heron. Katie sat on a spinning stool. Black Heron was working on some type of invention. Katie was talking her ear off.

"So what kind of gadget are you making? That reminds me, that's what you should name your mouse. Gadget. You know, the one you made smart. I thought those little animals were so cute! I came up with names for all of them. Chip is the one in the hat, and Dale is the one in the flower shirt. Oh! And the other mouse I named-"

"Wouldn't you rather hang out with that McDuck kid?" Black Heron interrupted.

Katie did a spin in the chair. "I would, auntie Heron, but grandpa has him doing some sort of mission," she explained.

Black Heron rolled her eyes. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?" she said annoyed.

Katie ignored her and went on spinning on the stool. "I think it's so unfair! I've been wanting a mission since forever, and I don't get one. Then Huey shows up and he gets one within the first week!" she let out.

Black Heron went on working on her robotic arm. "Uh huh, so sad kid. I have to focus on this project, so why don't you go somewhere away from me," she said.

Katie sagged and climbed down from the stool. "Alright," she said, leaving the room.

"A mission? Cool! What do you want me to do?" Huey questioned. "I need you to steal this," Bradford said, passing him a photo across Bradford's desk. They sat opposite to each other in Bradford's office.

The photo had an image of a gun shaped thing. "Um, two things. One, what does this thing even do? And secondly, I don't feel comfortable stealing," Huey said.

Bradford clicked his tongue. "Alright, to answer your questions in order, this thing is a bazooka, but it's extremely powerful. And Huey, you don't need to worry about stealing, because no one is watching you as an example. Your youngest brother stole stuff all the time, right? If he could do it, so can you," Bradford said.

Taking a breath, Huey said, "Alright. When do I start?"

"You can begin in thirty minutes. I'll have some eggheads pick you up outside," Bradford said. Huey nodded.

In thirty minutes, Huey waited outside of Funzo's with the Phantom Blot. Huey was a little off set by his appearance. He tried to make small talk while waiting.

"So... do you work for FOWL full time, or is it just a side job? Which job do you like better? Funzo's or FOWL?" he asked, rocking on his heals. The Phantom Blot just stared at him with those cold green eyes. Huey tensed up and tucked in his tail.

Ending the awkwardness, a speedboat pulled up on the dock. Huey let out a sigh of relief. "Hey kid! Come on!" Steel Beak called. He was sitting in the driver's seat. Huey climbed into the boat and smiled. Steel Beak just grumbled something under his breath. "Alright, kid, where are we going?" he asked. Huey pulled out a slip of paper with coordinates that Bradford had given him.

Steal Beak glanced at it, then typed it into the GPS. Then he leaned back in his seat while the boat drove itself.

"You don't have to drive?" Huey questioned. He leaned into the dashboard and examined the technology. It truly was amazing. He ran his hands across the radio, smiling.

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