Chapter 5

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Louie crossed his arms. "Babysitters? We don't need a babysitter," he said. Della grabbed her purse. "Scrooge is at work, Donald went into town, and so am I, so you need a babysitter," Della argued. "What about Mrs. B?" Dewey asked. "She's off doing some top secret stuff. I don't know. Anyways, I'll be back. And the babysitter will be here soon," she said leaving the three boys in the foyer.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang. Louie was sitting on the couch drinking pep and watching Ottoman Empire. "Hey, Hue? Could you get that?" he called to his brother in the other room. Huey opened the door to see Gandra and Fenton. Huey's face lit up. "You're the babysitters? Cool!" he smiled. "Yep," Fenton said. Huey let them in.

Right after he closed the door, the bell rang again. He opened it back up. "Gosalyn," he greeted. She smiled to him and came inside. They did their special secret handshake. "See, Louie? That's how you make a handshake! You don't lick people," Huey called to Louie. "Whatever."

Huey sat and talked on the couch with Fenton. Gosalyn was playing Mario kart with Dewey and Louie on the tv. Gandra was sitting next to Fenton on her phone. "And that's why the Roman empire was able to conquer as many as they did," Huey said. Fenton nodded interested. "So where did the Guals come in?" Fenton asked. Huey snort laughed. "That's easy. They-" he began but was cut off. "Ugh! Your nerd talk is so boring!" Dewey whined. "No, keep talking! Your nerd speak is making Dewey and Louie mess up," Gosalyn said, intensely focused on the game.

Huey bit his tongue to keep himself from getting upset at them. "Hey, Hue? Have you ever seen that movie, Meet the Robinsons?" Louie asked, keeping his eyes on the tv. "Yeah, why?" Huey said. "You know the kid that just keeps talking even though no one is listening? What was his name? Goob? Anyway, you're being a Goob right now." Huey looked down. "Oh," he said sadly.

Gandra looked up from her phone and to Huey. "Hey, Huey was it? Why don't you come help me make lunch?" she invited. He smiled at her. "Sure!"

Gandra shredded some pork and put tortillas on the stove. Huey helped make the quesadillas by putting cheese on the tortillas.

"So, your brothers. Not very interested in your history lesson, huh?" Gandra began. Huey leaned against the counter. "No, not really. Though I don't understand why. The Guals and the Romans are really interesting," he said. "They don't sound very nice to me," she said. "Who? The Guals and Romans?" "No, your brothers," she corrected. Huey looked upset that she said that.

"My brothers? You barely even know them!" he said. She was taken back. "Oh, come on! They're jerks! They treat you like garbage!" she debated. "They do not!" Huey defended. "Yeah, sure, the evil triplet and the egotistical triplet aren't mean," she said sarcastically. Huey glanced down at his feet. "They just aren't very good at listening, that's all," he said. Gandra raised an eyebrow. "Well, if you want, I'll listen to you." Huey perked up. "Really?" She nodded.

Huey went on about the history of Rome, Gandra wasn't really paying attention. But she sure put up a good act.


Staring at his computer monitor, Bradford thought to himself. After hacking into the McDuck manner security cameras, Bradford noticed something strange about the gem the family had found. It football sized and was an emerald green. Bradford was certain he had seen a gem like that. The vulture continued his internet search.

After scrolling through several nonsense blogs, he lost his faith in the internet and moved on the search several books. He skimmed through the index of one book about ancient relics. He stopped when he found a page with a picture of the gem. Bingo! The Possession stone.

His eyes scanned the page. Bradford grinned to himself. The properties of this gem could work extremely well in his favor.


"And that is how Columbus found America!" Huey concluded. Gandra nodded. Then her phone began to ring. Oh my gosh, thank you! "Uh, Huey, I love your story and all, but I really need to take this call," she said. She went to another room.

Gosalyn ran into the kitchen. She saw the plate of hot quesadillas. When she thought Huey wasn't looking, she started grabbing them. They burnt her hands, but she didn't care. "Gosalyn! Stop it!" he said. She glanced from him to the quesadillas, then piled another one into her hands. "Um... they're not for me, they're for a friend!" she lied before running off with the majority of the food.

Huey just rolled his eyes at her. He was by himself in the room, left with his thoughts. Gandra had listened to him for a good fifteen minutes. He smiled. He didn't know her that well, but she had paid attention to him for longer than most of his family. She would probably stop listening to him after she hung out with him enough though.

After a short while, Gandra came back into the kitchen. "Where do the quesadillas go?" she questioned seeing the empty plate. "That was Gos," he said. She shrugged it off. "Anyway, what did you do this week? Find any interesting treasure?" she asked. "Well, the other day we found some green gem thing. I think it's in the other bin or something," he said. Gandra perked up. "Really? Can you show me?" she wondered. Huey folded his hands over themselves. "I don't know, we're not really allowed to go in there," he said. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun, and I won't tell anyone," she pleaded. He bit his bottom beak. "You can tell me all about the history of the stuff in there," she said. Huey finally gave in. "Alright! I'm in!" he accepted.

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