Chapter 24

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The soft blue waves rolled over as Boyd sat next to Owlison in the helicopter. They were currently searching for whatever island the family was on. Boyd tried to trace their location from the radio, while she took hold of the joystick. He was having trouble due to his virus.

Owlison kept her eyes out the window, trying to remember how flying a helicopter even worked. They had gotten off to a bit of a bumpy start, but she was getting the hang of it now.

"Let's see... Where could the McDucks be?" she said, trying to fill the silence. She bit her beak, scanning over the water. She readjusted her headset. She kept her gaze locked out but decided to talk to Boyd, even if it would just be a one sided conversation.

"How do you think they even end up in these messes? I mean, when I was a kid, I never had to go save my family from some random island," she said with a slight chuckle. Boyd just looked at her.

She gave a weird half smile. "You know, when I moved to Duckburg, I was not expecting any of this. Glomgold is the craziest person I've ever met. It's so different from Mouseton."

Drumming her fingers against the steering, she began to go on about how crazy this all was. Finally, she said, "I mean, maybe FOWL isn't so wrong for wanting to tone down the adventure-"

She was interrupted by Boyd, tugging on her sleeve with wide eyes. She followed his gaze to a rocket heading in their direction. She let out a yelp and jerked the plane, moving it out of the way.

"Or maybe they're just as crazy as the thing they're trying to stop!" she gasped, breathing heavily.

Boyd got up from his seat and stared after the rocket.

"Where do you think it's headed?" she asked, spinning around the helicopter to get a better view. Out on the horizon, they saw a small island, the size of a spec.

"Oh my gosh! The McDucks! We have to do something!" she said, putting two and two together.

Boyd nodded, and his legs transformed into rockets. "You have rocket feet? Then why didn't you just do that in the first place?" she said.

Boyd looked embarrassed. She pretty much hear him saying, because I didn't think of that.

She just rolled her eyes and followed the rocket. Boyd jumped out of the helicopter and followed along on his rocket feet. There was a loud roar as several other rockets came from out of nowhere. They had to get to the island fast or else there would be no hope of catching saving the McDuck's.

Owlison grew a determined expression and made the helicopter go as fast as it possibly could. Once they had caught up to the incredibly fast rockets, Boyd caught one in his arms.

He thrust back against it, trying to disarm it, while two other rockets flew past him.

The robot boy slipped, letting the first rocket go. It hit him in the head in the process.

"Boyd! Are you alright!" Owlison called from the helicopter.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay," he said. Both their eyes widened. "I spoke! I guess Dr. Gearloose is right. Sometimes, if you hit a machine hard enough, it works again," the boy said grinning.

Owlison raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I guess..." She shook herself. "We don't have time for chit chat, we have to stop those rockets!"

Boyd eyes shot back to the direction of the rockets and he took off. Owlison races after him in the helicopter, though she was sure she wouldn't be able to catch up too well with the robot boy. He noticed and doubled back to her.

"What are you doing?"

Without answering, he flew behind the chopper, pressing his hands against it. His boosters roared with fire as he pushed the helicopter through the air. Owlison was knocked back into her chair. She let out an exhilarated shout, a mix of terror and excitement. Business was never as intense as this.

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