Chapter 13

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Katie skipped through the halls of FOWL. She was bored waiting for Huey. There wasn't much to do without him. She stepped into his office. "Hey, grandpa, I-"

Bradford raised a hand to quiet her, and she realized he was on the phone. She frowned and left.

Half an hour later, Huey came back. He was drenched in water. "What happened to you?" she asked.

Taking of his cap, he shook water out of his hat. "Shot a bazooka at a sub," he said. He wrung out his shirt.

"That sounds amazing!" she smiled.

He nodded in agreement. "I'm going to go change," he said, walking off to his room. Katie rocked back and forth on her heels patiently.

From around the corner she heard Black Heron and Steel Beak talking. She stopped and listened.

"We finally beat the Ducks," Black Heron said.

"We did? How?" Steel Beak wondered.

"Who do you think was on that submarine?" she said. Katie let out a gasp.

"Wait... I thought it was just information on that sub," he said confused.

"No, it was the kid's family. No one told you because you're too stupid to not tell him," Black Heron sneered.

"I'm not stupid!"

By that time, they had walked too far that Katie couldn't hear. She held her breath, biting her lip. Huey appeared behind her. "I'm back!" he smiled.

Katie jumped startled. "Huey!" she exclaimed.

He noticed her strange expression. "Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Huey, there's something I have to tell you," she began.

"Alright, shoot," he said.

Katie put her hands on his shoulders. "No! Like something really important!" she went on.

Huey looked at her with a confused face. "What is it?"

"Huey... I'm so sorry..."

"What? Just tell me already!"

"Huey... Your family is..."


"Your family is dead."

Huey went quiet. Katie waited to see what he would do. To her surprise, Huey let out a small chuckle. "That was a joke, right?" he said.

Katie bit her beak. "Huey..." She looked at him solemnly.

The boy in red was speechless. "Right?" he asked again. Katie shook her head. Huey just stood there. She could see all the gears turning in his head, trying to process what she had said.

"No," he said simply. He took a step back. "No, no, no, no. No!"

Katie reached out a hand to him, but he pulled away. "How? How do you know?" he asked.

She folded her hands. "I heard Black Heron and Steel Beak talking about it," she replied. In one swift movement, his hands balled into fists and he spun around and ran. Katie watched after him sadly.


Huey burst into Bradford's office. The vulture started to greet him, but Huey jumped on top of his desk. "What did you do!?" he demanded. Huey's face was red and steam blew out of his ears.

Bradford held up his hands defensively. "I don't know what you're talking about, Hubert," he said.

Huey glared at him. "Don't play stupid! You killed my family!" he shouted.

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