Chapter 28

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Chris Miller and Phil Lord! Directing legends! If you don't know who they are, they directed Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, the LEGO Movie, Into the Spiderverse and some other stuff. They are epic and they have a new movie coming out. It was intended to come out in theaters, but then, ya know, covid. So now it's releasing on Netflix and probably not getting enough attention. So if you're looking for a family movie next weekend, watch The MItchells Vs the Machines! On Netflix, April 30th, everyone go watch it so it gets the attention it deserves.

Alright, let me get off my soap box so you can get to what y'all really came here for. :)

You. Are. The. Worst.

Shut up!

Told you it was a bad plan.

The Duke groaned, leaning back against the wall in his new cell. It was a confined space, cold, but at least it had some light. That's what Huey said when trying to look on the bright side. Duke still hated it.

He rubbed his arm, still sore and starting to form a bruise. He probably sprained something. But he wouldn't complain. It would probably just give Huey one more thing to gloat over him. Stupid smart Huey.

"Why don't we just die here?" Duke said casually, as if he were discussing the weather. "Here's a nice place to go."


Duke rolled his eyes at the voice in his head. His teeth were starting to hurt from clamping them so hard. He longed to get out of here, run, bang his head against the wall, anything to keep him from feeling so stiff, not to mention he was getting hungry. But with his small cell and Huey telling him no to anyway to blow off steam, he felt helpless. He was getting antsy.
"I can't take this anymore." He got up and started to pace, rage burning inside him.

You did this to yourself.

There came his other half's annoying voice.
"I know that, thank you captain obvious!"
And now because of you, FOWL's gonna win.
Duke narrowed his eyes. Guilt pulled at him, but he pushed it down and replaced it with more anger.

You've put our entire family in danger.

"We have no family." The words came out quieter than he would've liked. A lump formed in his throat.
I told you-

"I'm sorry, alright!" Huffing, Duke balled his hand into his fist. All his rage. All his pain. All his regret. He thrust his fist at the nearest wall.

A jolt of pain shot up his arm. He cried out, realizing he had used his bad arm. He sank to his knees and held his wrist. "Idiot," he muttered, trying to bite down the pain. He didn't really know who he was talking to. "This was my fault from the beginning. We should've never left." Tears were welling up in his eyes.
Why did they ever think it was a good idea to do this? He had been weak.

It's okay. Huey sighed. We can fix this. I hope.
It was somehow comfortable to here Huey refer to them as we. Lately they had split a lot more than usual. Usually Huey had full control. And now Duke realized that was probably for a good reason. Not to mention, people would think he was crazy.

"Huey, I can't do this. I need you to take control."

What? No way it's that easy.

"I'm serious. We need a cool head to get through this, and that's not me. I am literal rage."
I... thanks.

Duke took a deep breath. Maybe it wasn't too late for them. He shut his eyes. And when he opened them, Huey took over.


Webby's eyes watered, unable to believe what she was seeing. Her mouth gaped and her hands fell to her sides. Before her stood the family she thought she'd lost, along with Boyd and Owlson.

She melted into her grandmother's arms, feeling her warm embrace. A smile spread across her face. She wanted to stay there forever. Forget the stresses of FOWL, and Huey, and journals. Just be safe with her family. And when the hug separated it was all too soon.

"LAUNCHPAD!" A blur of red, purple, and green shot past Webby, nearly knocking her over. Gosalyn crashed into the pilot, actually knocking him over. He ruffled her hair and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Drake shortly joined their family reunion.

Violet ran to hug Louie, showing the most emotion Webby had ever seen from her. "But- How- We thought-" Violet gave up on trying to speak when the words wouldn't come out and her voice kept cracking.

Della and Donald exchanged a glance. "Long story," they said in unison.

Webby walked over to hug Scrooge too. "I... I... I'm so happy." That pretty much summed up what she was thinking anyways.

Scrooge set a hand on her head. "Me too."

Gyro stood in the doorway. "So glad you guys are alive, but we still have FOWL to deal with." Everyone sent him an irritated glare. The scientist's eyes landed on Boyd. "Boyd?! What are you doing here! You're supposed to be back at the lab, where it's safe!"

Webby was pretty sure she heard Drake snicker to Launchpad, "And he says he's not a dad."
"Helping!" Boyd said with a smile.

"Well, his voice is back." Violet moved to stand next to Boyd.

Gyro sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ugh, whatever. Come on, we still need a plan." He waved for the rest of the family to come inside. Webby wiped her eyes, unable to think of plans and evil organizations when her family was back from the dead.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get it out quickly for you guys, b/c I'm currently working on my Negaverse AU. The episode after the one coming up is my favorite one so I'm trying to get to it fast so I can quit trying to jump ahead lol. Thanks for reading and all your support!

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