Chapter 8

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Gandra finished blending her smoothie up and put it in a cup. She shook it a bit, the green liquid sloshing around. She was in her kitchen, sun pouring in from the window. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She out the smoothie cup on the counter. Her eyes wandered to the Possession stone next to it, a chip taken off of it. One sip and Huey would be under the spell of the Possession stone. She put away her blender. She frowned at the bent up steel blades.

"Bradford better buy me a new blender after all this. Does he know how hard that stinking rock is?" she said to herself.

The next step of her plan was to get him to drink it. She was surprised when she arrived at McDuck mannor to find a handful of cops along with Gizmo Duck. She walked up to him. "Hey, suit! What's going on?" she asked.

"Last night, Huey went missing. We think he might have been kidnapped," he said, changing his voice a bit to preserve his identity. Gandra clenched her teeth. He wasn't even there!?

"That's terrible!" she said.

Gizmo Duck nodded. "We're doing an investigation. If you want, you can keep an eye on the kids," he suggested.

"Sure," she said going inside. Sitting on the couch were Violet, Gosalyn, and Webby. Gandra took a seat next to them. "Where's Dewey and Louie?" she asked.

"They're out with Donald and Della looking for Huey while we have our own mini-investigation here," Webby said. Violet showed Gandra their clues spread out all over the table. It wasn't much. Just a map of Duckberg along with a few random belongings of Huey's.

Boyd came from upstairs. "Hey guys! I found something!"

The robot boy handed what he found to Gandra. Her eyes widened when she saw it was the FOWL business card. Boyd held his hand out for her to give it back. "Hang on, let me get a good look at it," she said. She turned away from the kids so they wouldn't see her switch out the card. She handed it back to him.

Violet took the card from Boyd. "Boyd, I don't think this is evidence. It's a gift card for Starducks," she said.

Boyd glanced at the card confused. "That's weird. I must be glitching or something," he said.

Gandra smiled relieved.

They were interrupted by a loud slurping. They all turned to Gosalyn who was drinking Gandra's smoothie. "Gosalyn!" Gandra exclaimed. She tensed up and took the cup from her.


"You just drank my smoothie! You don't drink random people's stuff!"

Gosalyn just shrugged. "You're not random, I know you," she said.

Gandra face palmed and sighed. She had an uneasy expression. "Do you... feel different?" She smiled awkwardly.

Gosalyn shrugged. "No. Am I supposed to? Do you have cooties or something?" the girl asked. Gandra waved her hand and rolled her eyes.


On the streets of Duckberg, Dewey and Louie were searching for their brother.

"Huey!" Dewey called.

Louie sighed. "What's the point? We've been out here for several hours! We're never going to find him!" he said.

Dewey ignored him. "Huey!" Some people on the sidewalk gave him weird looks. "We can't give up! We need to find him!" Dewey said.

Louie looked down at his feet as they walked. "I'm not saying we give up. I'm just saying that I don't think we're going to find him," he spoke sadly.

"Don't say that! We will," Dewey said, smacking his younger brother in the arm. "We have to save him from whoever kidnapped him!" Dewey added.

"But what if he wasn't kidnapped?" Louie said.

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