Chapter 7

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Violet, Boyd, and Gosalyn walked up Kilmotor hill. It had been a few days since any of them had seen Huey.

"I heard something happened to Huey. Is he okay?" Boyd said.

Gosalyn shrugged. "Yeah, the other day when I was over here he fell and hurt his beak or something," she said.

"I hope he's alright," Violet said worried.

"I don't think him hurting himself is the worst of his problems," Gosalyn said.

The two other kids looked at her. "What do you mean?" Boyd asked.

"Um, hello! His babysitter is clearly evil!" she exclaimed.

"Who? Fenton?"

"No, Gandra is evil," Gosalyn said.

"How? You barely just met her!" Violet debated.

"I just feel it. After your the daughter of St. Canard's greatest detective, you pick up a few things." Gosalyn put her hand on her hip and held a proud posture.

"I thought your dad was a movie star," Boyd said.

Her face turned red. "Uh, yeah he is, definitely!" she said nervously.

Violet and Boyd exchanged a look and shrugged.

When they reached the house, Boyd knocked on the door. "Huey! We're here for study group!" he called.

They heard the sound of the door unlatching and it opened, with Huey standing there. The three friends were amazed to see the duckling in red wearing braces.

"I just got back from the orthodontist," Huey explained. He spoke with a bit of a lisp, trying to adjust to have metal in his mouth. It felt unnatural for him. He welcomed his friends inside. Violet, Boyd, and Gosalyn could hear laughing.

"What is that?" Violet asked.

Huey sighed and rolled his eyes. "That's Dewey and Louie," he said.

"Brace face!" Dewey burst from another room. Huey facepalmed.

"Do you want me to punch him for you?" Gosalyn asked.

Huey quickly shook his head. "No, Gos, you don't need to do that!"

She seemed a bit disappointed.

Taking his friends up to his room, Huey locked the door. "Now we won't have to deal with them," he sighed. They set out their school work and began study.

"I don't know why you're so worried about what your brothers have to say about your braces," Boyd said. "They are necessary in your case and you're still the same person."

Huey smiled at him. "Well, I'm glad you think so," he said.

"Huey's a brace face!" they heard from downstairs. Huey bit his tongue upset, but reminded himself to just suck it up. It wasn't something worth losing his temper for.

After his friends left, Huey tidied up his room. The door opened with Louie and Dewey standing in the doorway. Louie flipped a dime in the air. "And that, dear Dewford, is how you pick a lock," Louie smirked. The two boys walked inside the room.

"So, Hue, what ya up to?" Louie asked.

"Just cleaning up a bit," Huey said. He picked up a few toys and shoved them in a toy bin.

"Hey, mom says that if it makes you feel better, we can stay up late tonight and watch a movie!" Dewey said.

"Yeah and we can have popcorn and gummy bears, too," Louie added.

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