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With weak legs, Aine headed to the hospital wing to get some concoction that may help with relieving her mind, and system. As the doors flew open, she saw various players of both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's houses on beds, checking on their injuries. The beaters and captain of the Hufflepuff's team and Harry, the seeker of Gryffindor's team on the bed, various cuts on his face and unconscious.

Hermione and Ron headed to where Harry was, while Ginny accompanied Aine to Madam Pomfrey who immediately gave a loud sigh at the sight of the girl, almost as if knowing what happened, she quickly took a bunch of bottles and mixed them together, adding a pill into it before walking towards her. "Now, drink." she commanded and Aine looks at the nurse dead-panned and a little flustered, "How do you know what I need?" she asks and Madam Pomfrey replied, "I'm a nurse, a healer," she went on, eyeing her from top to toe, "And your face looked awfully pale! You fainted."

Ginny cooed, impressed and the nurse turned to her, giving a small smile which Ginny smirks. Madam Pomfrey handed the potion to Aine which she drank in one shot, gulping down the slightly minty taste, it was refreshing, but it left a bitter taste afterwards. She thanked the older and the woman's eyes softened, "Please take care of yourself, Estoileon."

"Of course. I will."

And with that, she proceeded to Harry's bed, following the others and crowding around him, looking down at him and waking for Harry to wake up. Everyone sighed in relief as he flutters his eyes open, giving a gentle smile. "Harry!" Everyone said almost at once, "Hey..." he replied. "You gave us quite a big scare there, mate," Fred said as Harry sat up.

"What happened?" Harry asks, still feeling a little groggy. 

"You sort of fell off your broom." Ron tells him, and Fred continued, "Yeah-- like-- fifty feet?" and Harry looks astonished, "Really? Did I--"

"We thought you died." Angelina commented and all eyes turned to her, "-- What?" she asks.

George shakes his head and looks at his twin brother. "And the match...?" Harry asks again, and everyone froze, giving him a sad smile, Seamus Finnigan replied, "The Hufflepuff won, Diggory caught the snitch."

Hermione quickly interjected, "No one blames you, Harry.", she went on, "Dementors aren't supposed to be there in the first place."

"Yeah, they completely stole the spotlight of the game!" Fred complains, "Talk about some uninvited guests..." George finishes, pouting a little. It was a pity that they didn't manage to win, but in the end, the safety and health of their teammates come first. 

"Dumbledore sent them away, though," Angelina adds and the rest nodded. 

Then Ron gulped, his hands still grasping around a fabric, there was something below it, hidden. "There's something you should know too..." he started and everyone tensed up, cringing a little. Aine didn't know what happened until he peels away the wrappings, revealing a bunch of broken twigs until she realizes they weren't just branches, she saw a piece of wood, and the word 'Nimbus 2001' and knew, it was Harry's broomstick. 

"When you fell, your broom sort of-- blew into the whooping willow, and... Well..." Ron mumbles off. The boy looked heartbroken, and so did everyone, they knew how much Harry had cared for his broomstick, and how much he loved it. It seems that there was no way to repair it, the broom has done its part in helping its master, and now the job is done. "I tried to mend it, but..." Hermione trails off, dejected. "I'm so sorry, Harry..."

He shook his head, taking a deep breath, "It wasn't your fault, Hermione." he sighed, caressing the remains of the broken broomstick before he asks the twins to throw it away for him. They went on talking about how Diggory felt upset too because it wasn't a fair match, and how among them all... Oliver was the most depressed, George was saying how he immediately went to the showers and drowned himself in it.

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