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"No one. No one is coming."

 "What are you talking about, Aine—"

She tightens her grasp on his shoulders, "Not a single soul beside us here and them there—" she stretches her arm out, pointing at Sirius and Harry on the opposite side of the lake.

"But Aine—"

"Don't interrupt me yet," she lowers her voice, Harry flabbergasted at her reaction. "Oh, oka— Sorry."

"If we don't do anything now, everything will go back to where it was before. Well, maybe not since no one saved you. And if we don't do anything, the two of you will die, here. Okay?" She tells him patiently and the boy nodded. 

"So what should we do?" Hermione asks timidly, and Aine releases her grip off Harry and sighed, looking back at the Dementors having a feast then back at Harry. "The Patronus charm," she says, "The spell that we learnt from Professor Lupin. The spell that could fight against the Dementors."

"But there are so many of them here!" Harry exclaims, and Aine's eyes softened, it was true. In class, they only ever battled one Dementor, two in total since it was for Harry and herself. She turns her head to the group of cloaked creatures, "All the more we should do it," she smirks.


Her eyes grew wider, and her eyes fiery. "We only ever fought one, because there was only one in our class. But here, probably hundreds? In class, we fought for learning, to grasp on the experience of how it is like to ward a dementor off. Here, we fight for our lives, for theirs. Isn't it more fun?" she smiles at her friends.

Hermione's face contorts, "I'm not so sure that's a good idea, Aine. You said you haven't managed to master it completely yet did you? You both could get hurt!"

"Well, we could get more experience from here then, no pain no gain!" the girl replied and her friend sighed. Then, Harry started chuckling, running his fingers through his hair, and grabbing it before letting go, "Honestly, Aine? I think you're insane." 

"And... What's that supposed to mean?" she asks him, and he grins, "I think you're either reckless about this plan of us tackling hundreds of those foul creatures or you're just... Well, crazy.."

"Probably both." Aine tells him, "So, what's your answer?" she added, raising a brow and Harry's lips curled, "It's time we show how much we've practised."

The two of them stepped towards the front, and they exchanged glances, nodding as they took their wands out and Harry whispers, "We only have one chance, so we must choose the most powerful happy memory."

"Then let's get it done," Aine noted and they turned towards the target, breathing in and exhaling sharply. She closes her eyes for a moment, thinking, A happy memory... A most powerful happy memory... She digs deeper into her thoughts, filtering out the ones she wanted to use. There were many, but also a handful of them being ones that frightened her.

Until... There! That one!

She opens her eyes, and they fixate on the cluster of Dementors, focusing and controlling her breathing. 

"Expecto Patronum."


Aine and Harry shouted at once together, feeling the slight breeze and the power that exudes from her wand; the silvery whirlpool forming behind the wand, slowly growing bigger and wider. Her brows knitted together, Focus!

The urge to look at Harry was horrible, but she knew better than to break focus, recalling that one time where she couldn't concentrate properly because of her mind going sidetracked. But now is no time for that, the whoosh of light flickered, More... This wasn't enough! Remember those memories!

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