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It was a fairly chaotic Christmas morning, with her best friends, Ginny and Hermione waking her up in the morning to eat the Christmas breakfast, to the Weasley Twins teasing her, not to mention how her friends reacted to Draco promising to give her the festive present in front of basically everyone in the Great Hall. Followed by the bickering of her friends about her gift, and now, here she was, the sun hairpin that Draco had given her attached to her hair by Hermione in the Quidditch stands with her friends, hanging out on a jolly day.

"That hairpin really looks good on you!" Hermione complimented, and Ginny agreeing.

"Can't believe that yellow prat gave you a gift." Ron snarls, taking a jellybean from the pile of sweets laid all over the wooden bench. He lightly gagged as he munched on, forcefully swallowing it before he really vomits from it. 

"Well, I gave him one so..." Aine mumbles under her breath, as she unwraps the lemon sherbet candy in her hand, cringing as the sourness spread in her mouth. 

"You did?" Ginny asks and Aine nodded, "Yeah, it's nothing special."

"He honestly doesn't deserve that gift," Harry spoke, "It's better off somewhere since he's an ungrateful boy." 

"Now, now. Can we please stop talking about Draco and not ruin this day, please?" Aine pleaded, Harry was clearly sensitive over it, and she didn't blame him since he had every right to be since Draco was always insulting him. But with her, he seems, very... Tamed?

The boys sighed, she was right, today was Christmas, "Let's not spoil this day." Harry mutters, and Aine gives him a small relief smile, thankful.

"So how's Hagrid doing?" Ginny asks them, "Don't think he's doing well, I reckon he's even feeling very miserable since he couldn't really defend Buckbeak. Honestly! This is so upsetting!" Hermione puffs, she went on, "I even tried to read every book about creatures and I--"

"Found nothing." Harry and Ron finish for her, she nodded.

Aine stares at the bunch of sweets, "What do you think is going to happen to Buckbeak, you know if we can't find anything?" she questions and they all looked at her, "Well, guess he'll be dead." Ron shrugs, bitter.

"That's very unfortunate," Ginny says and they agreed.

"We'll find something," Harry added, reassuring the others, "We will."

Sharing one big sigh, they proceeded on to the common room, since it was clearly getting too chilly, and soon, exchanged presents.

"Mom got you three new sweaters, by the way!" Ron told them, taking a bite from the chocolate frog, he uses his left clean hand and handed the packages to his friends and they unwrapped the twine. "Mrs Weasley is always so sweet, I love her knitted sweaters. Do tell her for me that I'm very touched, Ron." Hermione said to him, "Tell her, Ginny." Ron went on which the younger sister rolled her eyes and Harry smirks at the two of them.

Aine tore apart the parchment, revealing a nice deep dark amber coloured sweater, with an 'A' in a light yellow colour. "That's a new colour!" commented Ginny whom Aine stares back at the sweater she just pulled up. The soft woolly texture touching her palms, giving her fingers some warmth. "I like it." the raven-haired girl beams, "Mom probably bought new yarn colours." her friend mentioned.

Harry got a nice grey sweater with a maroon red 'H' in the middle of it, while Hermione got a mauve pink sweater with the letter 'H' in white. The three of them immediately wore it over their current tops, and their fingers curled inside the edge of the sleeves, almost as if hiding their 'paws'.

All of them exchanged presents one by one by the carpet near the fireplace, excitement and curiosity radiating from everyone. Aine had gotten Harry an ointment for his future Quidditch games that may give him sore the next day, a nice new muffler for Ron who often gets a sore throat when it's cold, a nice beaded metal bookmark for Hermione so that she can use it for her books, and finally, a Quidditch gloves for her best friend, Ginny who aspires to play on the Gryffindor team in the future. 

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