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Lupin's growls rang into Aine's ears and she watches as her professor's eyes slowly changing, she started to back away. There's no way today was the day where he changes into a Werewolf. Sure that was a little exciting to watch for Aine; experiencing the transformation first-hand was something she never thought she'll see in her life. But snapping back to reality, it could mean that she and her friends would be in danger since whenever a person transforms into a Werewolf, he or she loses memories and starts going violent and slowly becoming a monster that many feared.

"Professor!" Aine calls again, "Your medicine, where is it!" She remembered about the Wolfsbane potion that Professor Snape had told her once. If he took the potion, it would prevent him from losing his mind. But the man was already breaking apart, shivering and threatening to transform here. "Harry!" Aine hears Hermione calling out to her friend for help, noting what was happening. Lupin's gaze fell ahead at a patch of grey thick clouds, revealing the Moon. A full Moon. The beautiful dazzling moonlight shone down onto Lupin and his light blue pupils started to dilate, changing into a shade of bright green. He froze, groaning from the pain of the transformation.

Aine watches as Black runs towards them, grabbing Lupin by the shoulders, "Remus, my old friend! Have you taken your potion tonight?" However, Lupin couldn't do anything more than painfully change, his cries slowly progressing to a long low howl.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! Here! This flesh is only flesh!" Black reminds him, and Aine panics, What should I do? What should I do? She holds onto her wand, then turning behind to the floating Professor Snape, "Accio Wolfsbane!" she shouted, it was worth trying and hoping to see a vial fly right into her palms. However, just like she expected, there was nothing... Damn it! "Professor Lupin!" she exclaimed, worry all over her face as she fears for the fate of her Professor.

Harry quickly pulls Aine back together with Hermione and Ron who looked at their professor, fear coursing through their veins. She bites her lip, there must be a way to help him! Feeling the same as her, Harry was equally worried, but all he could do was watch the torturous transformation that his mentor had to go through. 

Lupin's cries erupted, it almost looked like he was suffocating from the pain. He soon started to lose himself, dropping his wand onto the grass as he succumbs to his shift. Taking the chance, Aine watches as Pettigrew sneakily crawled to grab the wand, attempting to shoot a curse to his friends. "Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted in Aine's stead, and the wand flew from Pettigrew's hand. The balded man grinned, showing his buckled teeth as he waved, transforming back into a rat that scurried away. "NO!" Aine yells, running after him, she shot a few spells at the running rodent, only to see Pettigrew dodging it. She clicks her tongue, He can't get away now! They needed him to testify for Black's innocence. 

"Aine!" Harry calls out, grabbing her back, "Let go, Harry! I need to catch him! We need him! He needs to be punished!" Aine tells her friend, writhing in Harry's arm. "It's fine! It's okay! We can catch him later!" 


"It's okay!" Harry tells her, but Aine knows deep down how much Harry would have wanted him captured. Just that now, there were far more important things to handle. She stopped thrashing around and turned to look at her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, his face contorted, and his ears started to elongate backwards, his nose growing into a snout, and his hair slowly becoming a part of his grey fur. It was truly a gruesome sight that even Hermione had closed her eyes, not wanting to see the transformation.

"REMUS!" Black shouts, trying to carry his friend who was growing taller than he is. Black groans at the weight, and also the pain behind his back that was increasing. The sharpness of Lupin's nails had grown and now digging into Black's skin like sharp blades. "Arghh— Remus!" Black continues to call for his friend, then he turns to the kids, biting down on his lips, he managed to tell them, "RUN! GO!"

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