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As Christmas went by, so did the year and the new year. Aine spent hours preparing for her new term classes, making sure all the homework was done and of course, the Patronus lesson that was coming up. The last time she tried to cast one was just before the new year, after Christmas and was it perhaps she hadn't done it in a while or the memory she chose wasn't strong enough. She couldn't quite cast a full corporeal one which was a bummer since she managed to cast one during her first lesson with Professor Lupin along with Harry.

Now, here she is, the new term was just as hectic as the previous, perhaps even more so than before since she will have her final exams coming up in a few months time. Although she faired well in her studies, Aine did not want to slack off but be extremely well prepared for it. It'll be her third year at Hogwarts next year after all. Not to mention that they'll have to pick their electives then.

"Alright, thank you for being such wonderful students today, you may go now!" Professor Flitwick announced to the class and one by one, students started to disperse from the Charms classroom, and they were free to do what they wanted since they were done for the day. However, Aine was not. She was to have her dinner before her next private 'class' with Harry and Professor Lupin. She had a full day of classes today and was extremely exhausted but her tiredness couldn't be overpowered by the excitement of her Patronus class. And so she quickly went back to her common room with Ginny and put their books before heading to the Great Hall for a meal, it was already fifteen minutes before six o'clock and by the time they were there. It was dinner time.

Aine helped herself with some roasted turkey with mashed potatoes and peas and tomatoes, and food started to crowd in her plate neatly. She turned to Ginny, and mouthed, "I'm starving, honestly!" in which her friend returned, "Me too!" before they dug in. Harry, Ron and Hermione were nowhere to be found, probably off to some mischief or they were still in classes. Aine never really know what their schedule was nor did she ask. But since she'll be seeing Harry later, she was sure he would grab something before class!

"I can't believe you're wearing that, Ai," Ginny told her, jerking her chin to the side of her braid, and pinning her fringe was the hairpin Draco had given her for Christmas. Aine's fingers travelled to the hairpin and touched it, a smile creeping onto her lips before Ginny's eyes went wide, "Wait. What was that!" she asks, in disbelief and also astonishment, "What?" Aine questions her and her friend replied, "Why are you smiling!"

"I didn't," Aine told her, and Ginny smirk, rolling her eyes, "I just saw you! You were smiling after I asked you about it!"

"Did not!" Aine answered, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You like it, huh?" the ginger asked.

"Yeah, I do..." she replies, smiling and her friend gasps, "You do?!"

"Of course, I do. I love it." 

"You love Draco?"

"LOVE?! What--- What? What are you talking about! I love the pin!"

Ginny sneers, "Oh, the pin." she says flatly.

"Yeah, what were you talking about!" Aine exclaimed, and her friend took another bite of her kidney pie, "Nothing, I just thought you said you love Draco when you said 'you love it'." she said.

Aine scoffs, "Of course not. Jeez. I don't love him! I'm too young for that." 

Then it was Ginny's turn to scoff, "Yeah, alright sis!", not satisfied with the answer she got.

"I'm serious! I don't---"

Ginny turned to her friend, who pauses, and gazes blankly at her fork, her cheeks tinting red and Ginny smirks, raising a brow and nodding, she continued eating, it was cute seeing Aine all flustered, especially since she wasn't always like that. The girl moves her knife and cuts the pie into smaller pieces, and then she mutters, "What's so wrong with liking someone?" 

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