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That same evening, Aine was sitting near the black lake alone staring at the setting sun. George had introduced her to this new spot and she has come to like it, often coming here to kill time and spent some time alone. After her snowball fight with the Weasley twins, they decided to head for the Hogsmede village to get some joke supplies for their own, bidding the girl farewell as they left. 

The floor was covered in a thick blanket of snow, and Aine had brought out a small blanket to set it on the ground so her bottom doesn't freeze. She hugged herself together, it was definitely cold, but it felt nice. She wondered about her father, it's chilly these days, and she wondered if he was alright and warm. Christmas will soon arrive, and she thought about heading home to celebrate with her father. But she remembered how he told her to enjoy it at Hogwarts instead since the celebrations there would be very pretty and memorable, after all, how long would you get to experience Hogwarts Christmas? Elliot did reassure his daughter that he'll spend Christmas well too and that he'll celebrate it with his friends living nearby: Arthur and Molly Weasley, along with some other neighbours.

Her second year had started a couple of months ago, and now it's nearing the end of the year and half of her school year. Looking back, she remembered the lesson Professor Lupin was telling her and wondered when will she start to learn about the new spell. She hasn't seen him since then when Professor Snape took over the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Heaving a sigh, she hoped he was alright, he always looked so sickly during classes and his eyebags seems to only get heavier and darker.

Hopefully, the next time she sees him, he would feel better and brighter. Aine thought to herself, perhaps she could learn to brew a potion that could help him be healthy and treat his illness if he even had any. 

Lost in her thoughts, she stares at the tide of the lake, flowing gently along with the sunset. Harry should be at Hogsmeade by now, Aine wondered if he had met up with Ron and Hermione? She giggled at the thought of how surprised Ron would be if he saw Harry under the invisibility cloak, she was sure that Harry would tease them. Her mind drifted off, lately, she hasn't had any nightmares, although she would frequent see a shadow in her dreams, it wasn't frightening at all, but somehow it was watching her, and she watching it. There wasn't any threat, and she felt neutral when seeing it. Perhaps it was just a dream, and nothing more.

There was a rustle behind her, and she turned to see a boy emerging from it, patting his clothes to rid of the snow, it was Draco Malfoy, and boy, he seemed outraged. Aine gulped, she was never scared of Draco, but there was something about angry boys that made her back away a little. Was it because they seemed scarier and the fact that they could just snap and make everything go wrong?

Well, whatever it was, Aine simply froze until she spotted his eyes looking at her. He halted his tracks and looked away. Then he ran his fingers through his soft platinum blonde hair and threw the beanie he was holding in another onto the white ground and strolled towards her awkwardly. Aine took a deep breath and turned ahead watching the waters, she doesn't know why she was acting all awkward, it wasn't as if they hadn't met. It's just... they just seem to bump into each other when either one is feeling horrible. She straightened her back and saw him standing just a few feet away from her, wondering why he wasn't saying anything.

Was he really that angry to not speak a word? Even to her?

Unable to bear the silence any further, she blurted out, "Hey", trying to sound as casual as possible. Draco turned to her,  his eyes glaring at her and he puffed, then sighing out and dropped down abruptly to sit right next to her, he was pouting.

"Are you--"


Aine blinked back in surprise by the sudden outburst, and Draco snapped, turning to her, eyes softening immediately, he didn't expect his voice to come out like that, "Sorry-- I didn't mean to." he replies, a tone softer.

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