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A couple of days later, Aine was in her kitchen on her father's behalf cooking up some new batch of potions while Elliot was out delivering his goods. She gazes into the liquid in the cauldron where her eyes reflected back with heavy bags under it. Ever since that day, she has been getting lesser sleep in fear that she'll see her nightmares again.

Although she was given some sleepless potion, she still had trouble falling asleep. The thought of closing her eyes and giving in to her sleep made her anxious, and very troubled.  Aine sighs, growing drowsy as she stirs the pearly potion. She paused and stepped to the counter where she drowns herself in chopping up the remaining ingredients.

There were about another 3 weeks before Aine heads back to Hogwarts for her second year. Despite the short summer holiday, she couldn't wait to head back and dives back into studying, only then will she be completely tired and able to sleep, her worries shifting to grades instead of her mysterious nightmares. It was a love-hate relationship with studies, Aine never liked studying, maybe more practical studying. She hated memorising the histories and long passages of paragraphs talking about which wizard was powerful then and what they do. 

However, the fact of looking at potion recipes and their history was another exception. Perhaps it was because she loved the topic so much, or the fact that it was her dream to be a Potioneer, like her father. She could read books like that for hours without feeling tired, Aine chuckles at herself at the thought. Hypocrite

"What's so funny?" someone asks and Aine shakes her head, letting out another scoff, not seemingly aware of her surroundings, nor the fact that her house door was wide open. She was only thinking about her thoughts and why her house suddenly felt a little chilly. She turned to look at the clock, watching the handles turned to two-thirty-seven. Her father was late, he had gone out before twelve just now and should be back around two o'clock. Maybe he had some trouble with his patient, but whatever it is, Aine thought, she should finish this potion before he gets back to take it to his other client. It was a busy time of the year, there were lots of orders for their potion.

Some of them even wanted the weirdest potions like one that causes hysterical laughter, cleaning potions, beautification potions and even a confusing concoction. Aine always wondered what those who had ordered these potions do, and how did they come to know this potion? She giggled as she remembers all the funny incidents, it seemed to cheer her a little. Whenever Aine felt worse, she always manages to cheer herself up, although it didn't always work all the time. Whenever it did, she felt amazing again, another odd skill she had.

The girl peered into the cauldron and dropped several drops of Bulbadox juice into the mixture and mixed them before lowering the flame to boil for another 5 minutes and she was finally done. She cleaned her hands on her apron and turned, she almost screamed, flinching at the sudden sight of the figure who smirked. She clutches onto her fabric where her heart was and heaved a breath of relief out, "You scared me!" 

"Well, didn't mean to." he shrugs and Aine shot him a glare, turning to the sink, "How long have you been here?"

"Quite some time." 

"And you didn't say anything?" she whirls her head to the figure, "I did, you just didn't hear me."

"You could have said something again," she mumbles, scrubbing the glass cups that used to held the ingredients earlier. 

"You seemed busy." he sniggered and Aine rolls her eyes, "You seemed very free.

"That's cause I am." 

Aine flicked her arms to get rid of the remaining water on her hands before drying them on a nearby rag, she removed her apron and made some tea, her pupils eyeing at the person as he looks around the house before settling at the dining table. "What's that? Spoilt juice?" 

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