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"Only one will die tonight."


Aine gasped and snapped out of the vision, startling Draco as he looks around with alert eyes, "Wha--" and Aine touches her temples, relieving the images again, she clearly heard that someone will die tonight. But the thing is, will tonight truly meant today? She remembered the dog, black and shaggy with sharp teeth that could probably rip her neck apart.

She clutches onto her arms, confused. She couldn't understand how or why she was seeing stuff like this, the dog, and the mysterious and yet familiar voice of a woman. But there's something she knew, the dog's name was Padfoot.



I remember that word... Not because she heard it but because she saw it somewhere. She places her finger over her lips, recalling where she saw it.

"Hey, are you alright?", she could hear Draco asking, but her mind was too occupied and her thoughts flushed his voice out. 

Where did I see it before?

She wracked her brain, closing her eyes once more to concentrate, going through her memories and flashbacks. Padfoot... Padfoot... Messrs, Mooney, Wormtail... Padfoot! 

It was there! It was there on the map that Fred and George gave to Harry. She opened her eyes abruptly and Draco looks at her weird behaviour. Her pupils shook and she wondered once more, why was it on the map? And the fact that she completely overlooked it despite coming in contact with that word before.


-- Aine.


The girl jerked her head and turn it to the boy whose grey eyes widened in confusion and concern, "What's wrong with you?" she finally came around her senses despite still feeling very puzzled. "Are you okay?" Draco asks again and she nods, "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." 

Although Aine said she was alright, Draco seemed unconvinced. He looks at the Gryffindor girl in front of him, he wasn't sure if she was feeling sick or not because her face seemed pale, but that's how she was, she had a fair skin tone after all. "I don't believe you," he muttered, and Aine turns to him, he stood up and grabs her hand without saying anything before dragging her down the stairs. 

"Wait-- wha--" 

"You're probably too cold up there, and you've gone talking nonsense!" he exclaimed, and Aine tried not to stumble on her steps, holding both the shawl and Draco's coat. "See! This is why you should've worn thick clothing like me! Were you trying to attract me or what?" he adds and she scoffs in disbelief.

They made it down to the corridor before she stops, sending Draco to halts his steps, turning around, "I'm fine, Draco." she pants, taking one deep breath before sighing through her mouth. He didn't realize how tired she was, well, that's because he was too preoccupied with getting her out of the cold. He cursed mentally, how could he be so stupid to stay up there even though it's been freezing! 

"Sorry." he said softly and Aine gazes at him, "Why are you apologising for something that isn't your fault?" she questions, and he chews his lips, "Sorry." Aine gave him a look, "There you go again. Stop saying that! It's not your fault!"

"Oh... Yeah... So--"

She glares at him before he could finish his sentence and he closes his mouth, scratching his head in embarrassment. For Godric sake, he was being such an idiot in front of her. "So, what happened back there?" he asks, earlier she looked like she saw a ghost and the fact that she seemed like she was calculating something inside her head the next moment got him all perplexed.

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