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Aine's legs took her where her friends were, standing close beyond the edge of the forest before halting. "Hey, look!" Harry whispers, pointing his finger to the corner of the Willow tree. Their eyes looking ahead at the familiar sight of the dancing Whomping Willow before catching sight of a person they know too well— Professor Lupin. He stood in front of the tree and directed his wand to the waving plant, "Immobulus," they hear him say, and not a few seconds later, the swishing soon came to a stop.

"Should have used that spell earlier," Hermione replies, "Well, we didn't know that, and clearly we didn't have time." Aine answers and the other girl nodded back. The professor casually walked towards the tree, and slowly he was out of sight after going into the hole that would take him beneath.

They watched, and soon enough, their Potions professor came into the picture, heading down into the tunnel Professor Lupin and the others took. Harry exhales, "Now we wait," he says, backing up to a trunk and settling down, Hermione nods, doing the same, "And now we wait," she repeats.

 Aine leaned back near Hermione, all that's left now is to wait. Wait for their past selves to come up again, wait for Lupin's transformation, and wait for Sirius to come so that they could save him before he succumbs to the Dementor's kiss. She saw Harry looking behind, his eyes glanced around the darkening woods, partly finding Buckbeak, the beast they have left behind. "I think he's gone by now," Aine reveals to him and he looks to her, her eyes staring up at the gloomy skies. The clouds were layered by another darker cloud, almost as if it was going to rain. "Do you think it's a good idea to leave him? You know... Buckbeak?" Hermione asks and Aine shakes her head, "I'll love to keep him, but knowing that he's been kept in chains for a long time. I think he likes to be free. I mean... No one likes to be kept and locked." She replied. "I wouldn't," she added while her friends smile.

"I'm sure he'll like it." Harry assures her, "Buckbeak's a strong beast, I think he'll know how to take care of himself."

"Yeah..." Aine mutters, eyes still looking up to the sky. The crows flew above them, cawing and chirping and the forest soon was enveloped by a thick misty fog. A couple of crows flew right into their space, their wings casually threatening to cut their faces. "Oh, I hate this," Hermione complains, waving her hands around to chase the birds away.

"Who wouldn't?" Harry laughs, swapping his arms around as well.

However, in a distance behind them, they could feel something approaching them and they hastily stood up. Their eyes widened in shock to see who it was. "Buckbeak...?" Aine called and the beast looks to them, eyes twinkling. "Wait— Why hasn't he left?" Harry asks, dumbfounded. 

They watched as the beast swings around its wings, beak snapping about before catching a crow in its mouth. "Well, at least someone's enjoying himself," Hermione shrugs, sitting back down with the others. "Didn't know he was following us," Aine says, playing with the fallen leaves on the ground while killing time.

"He's probably grown attached to us, don't you think?" Harry smirks, and Aine chuckles, "Well, maybe?"

The chirping of the birds slowly faded away and the three of them were once again filled with silence. "Hermione. Aine." Harry calls their names and the girls turned to him, "Yeah?" they replied in unison.

Harry went on, his tone slightly timid, "Before... Down by the lake, when I was with Sirius— I did see someone," he paused, thinking whether he should continue or not, "Go on." Hermione reassures him, "That someone made the dementors go away with a Patronus. I heard Snape telling Dumbledore before. That according to him... only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it," Harry explained.

"Who was it?" Aine probed, eyes looking at his. Harry gulped, "It was my dad. My dad conjured the Patronus."

Hermione and Aine exchanged awkward glances, but Harry's father was... Aine says in her head, his parents were murdered by Voldemort. If her friend did indeed saw his father, was it real or not? Perhaps it was a spirit, or maybe he was mistaken? Hermione pursed her lips, this was a sensitive topic to talk about but she spoke her thoughts nonetheless, "Harry, but your dad's—"

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