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A couple of days later, during one of Aine's free periods, she went along to visit Professor Lupin after being told by her house head, Professor McGonagall. She had been fairly curious and excited as to what the older had told her. Apparently, it was to learn something. Perhaps it was a new spell. But whatever it is, she was delighted to learn something new.

"I'll see you later," Aine tells Ginny who nodded her head, her friend had asked her if she was in any kind of trouble when Professor McGonagall told her to stay behind after class. However, there was no trouble at all. "See you!" Ginny waves.

Skipping down the corridors of Hogwarts, before she stopped outside the familiar classroom where she had her Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Lockhart the previous year. She cringed, remember the tests he gave to the class on the first day of their lesson. Aine wondered what she would be learning this year, she had learnt from Hermione that the third year would be playing with Boggarts. However, as interesting as that may sound, Aine would have to wait for another year to be exposed to them. She hesitantly knocked on the door, hoping there wasn't any class happening at the moment. To her surprise, the door swung open on its own and she was led into an empty classroom with Professor Lupin standing outside his office in front. "Aine!" He welcomes her brightly and Aine smiles, "Um. Hello, professor." she greets back.

"Come on in!" he says enthusiastically. "Professor McGonagall has told me you will be coming."

"Um, Professor?" Aine asked, and the man turned to her, "What is it we are doing today?"

He chuckles, seeing the slightly anxious face of Aine, he studies her facial features and blinks, she was so like her in every way, Professor Lupin thought to himself, recalling the familiar person he met many years ago when he was at Hogwarts. Eyes bright and big, filled with curiosity and yet caution. Skin porcelain-like that even looked like there were pearl accents at certain angles. But more prominently, was the fact she was just as beautiful as her. Her wavy hair brushed to the side and flowed as she walks. Almost as if they were dancing along. Aine was staring right at him for his answer that he quickly brushed the thought off and said, "Nothing to worry about, I just want to have a talk with you before we start."

He brought her to a chair before sitting down on his desk, "Now, Aine." he started and the girl gulps.

"Why I wanted to see you is because, as you remembered-- the dementors incident on the Hogwarts train."

"...Yes." Aine answers.

"Professor Dumbledore has heard of what happened and he had asked me to teach you a spell." Professor Lupin said, his brows knitted and he went on, "Now, this spell that I am about to teach you is very difficult. Perhaps even one of those advanced magic well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, do you understand?" 

"Yes, professor", she replies and he continues, "It is something that is extremely challenging to conjure especially at your age, but Professor McGonagall has told me of your talents. I heard you're gifted in non-verbal magic, correct?"  

Aine blushes at the compliment, it was true she knew how to do non-verbal magic, but it wasn't something she had done every single time. Professor McGonagall thinks too highly of me, she says to herself. "I still need practice for it, professor," Aine replies and he smiles, but she was simply being humble. 

"Indeed. You certainly will," he says and Aine continued, "So, what is it that you will be teaching me?"

"You won't be learning alone, I've known you are friends with Harry?" Professor Lupin says and Aine blinks back, "Yes, professor."

"Well, you will be learning together with him a spell called the Patronus Charm." 

"What is that?" she questions, Aine had never heard of that before.

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