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(Sehun's POV)

  The fashion show went smoothly as planned. There was a huge round of applause when all the models and I stood in the middle of the stage for one last pose. The usual sense of accomplishment that I felt whenever I finished a performance on stage, came over me then. I could see Seorin at the far end of the room, clapping and beaming with the rest and my heart swelled with happiness.

  After everything was over, and the guests were heading towards the refreshment table set up for them, I headed backstage with the other models. In the midst of everyone congratulating me on the good work, I spotted Seorin talking with A-yeong and some other female employees.

  I excused myself politely and started walking towards her. As I was nearing, I heard what they were talking about. One of the employees were complimenting Seorin on her outfit. I couldn't blame her- Seorin looked absolutely stunning in that halter dress. I stopped walking for a moment to admire her.

  "You should wear dresses more often," one of the employees was saying "It really brings out your figure."

  Seorin blushed. "Thank you," she said.

  "And that necklace is gorgeous!!" squealed another "Where did you get it?"

 "Ji Hun gave it to me for my birthday," Seorin said, fingering her necklace and I saw the rose shaped pendant glinting at the base of her throat. I was beside her in two strides.

  "It doesn't suit you," I said.

  "What doesn't?" Seorin asked, confused.

 "The necklace," I said "Take it off"

 "Why?" she asked indignantly "I like it"

   A-yeong suddenly cleared her throat, "Uh we have something to take care of. See you two later." She winked at Seorin and walked away, dragging the other girls with her. Seorin looked after her in confusion.

 "It really doesn't suit you," I said again and she turned back to me looking exasperated.

 "Maybe. But it's none of your business what I wear."

 "It is. You're my assistant so it is my business," I replied firmly "If you don't take it off, I will."  I held her firmly by the shoulders and turned her around, despite her protests.

  "You really are one stubborn person," Seorin huffed.

  I said nothing as I gently brushed her hair aside so I could see the clasp of the necklace. I felt my face heat up when the smooth, pale skin of her back was exposed. I undid the clasp and stepped back awkwardly. Seorin turned around, letting her hair fall back into place.

 "Give me the necklace," she said holding out her hand "You can't keep it because its a gift." 

  Before I could do anything, Ji Hun walked up to us. He gave Seorin a smile and then saw the necklace in my hand. His eyes narrowed.

 "Why do you have that?" he asked "I gave that to Seorin."

 "He says it doesn't suit me," Seorin said with a roll of her eyes.

  "I see..." said Ji Hun dryly, giving me a cold look. He then snatched the necklace from me and took Seorin's hand. "But I think it does suit you," he said, placing the necklace in her hand and gently closing her fingers over it. I looked away.

  "That's what I said too," pointed out Seorin, putting the necklace into her purse.

  Ji Hun took a step towards me. "Mind your own business would you Mr. Ambassador?" he said coldly. I glared at him. Seorin IS my business. And who does he think he is? Before I could say anything, the PM came to us beaming. Ji Hun stepped away from me.

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