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  Congratulations! You just finished reading COLD!!! I guess maybe you guys didn't really expect it to end so soon, but this was the original story that I've had my head. And I really do hope you guys had fun reading it as much as I had fun writing it. 

  And this story's got like 1.5k reads which is like, waaaaaaaay beyond my expectations. I didn't even think that many people even read this! But thank you SO SO MUCH for reading it and also for voting and commenting. I lysm 💗  Honestly, I just LOVE reading comments because they always motivate me to write my best. And they also give me some confidence that maybe my writing isn't as bad as I think it is 😅 

  Oh and I just wanted to know what you guys thought about Seorin. I didn't really ask for any feedback on her before and I know it's too late now, but I wanted to know what my readers thought about her.

  And... I know a lot of you really disliked Ji Hun😂 But I think he's a really sweet guy (if I say so myself) and probably the most relatable. We all have those times when we want to be a little selfish and hurt others to make ourselves happy. He had a lot chances to be the bad guy, but he didn't, and doing the right thing often isn't easy. So yeah, I like him. And lol, look at me talking like my characters are real. But then, they have been living inside my head for the last few months so...

  By the way, what's your favourite Exo song? For me, choosing a fave is almost as hard as choosing a bias lol. But if I had to pick, I'd say Been Through. The vocals and the message are so T_T  And of course, Promise has a special place in my heart too, though I don't listen to it unless I'm ready to shed some serious tears.

  ANYWAYS, thank you once again for reading my story. I really appreciate it. And I won't be writing any more stories for now cause I'm in my Advanced Level class and I need to focus on my school work, but I hope to write again once my A/L's are over.

   So until then, bye bye! 



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