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(Seorin's POV)

  "Cheers!" everyone cried and clinked their glasses together. I raised my glass with the others but did not take a sip of the wine. Seeing this, A-Yeong, one of my colleagues asked "Why? Aren't you drinking?"

  "No. I don't drink,"

 "Why not?" she asked.

 "I really can't tolerate alcohol," I said.

  "Aish. This is just wine! There's not much alcohol in it,"

  "I don't think I should," I replied.

  "Oh come on! Loosen up a bit Seorin-ah," A-Yeong urged. "Aren't you going to celebrate the successful launch of our new clothing line? We worked our butt off for this, so have some fun."

  Just then, another intern stood up and cleared his throat. "I would like to propose a toast to our project manager without whom this successful launch wouldn't have been possible."

  We all cheered and raised our glasses. As the intern continued to thank the PM, A-Yeong poked me.

  "Yah if you don't drink to him, he'll be upset. You know how the project manager is. He'll think you're disrespectful," she said in a low voice.

 "But-" I started to object. "He's looking this way!" A-Yeong whispered and inclined her glass to the PM and took a sip of wine.

 Aish. I thought. This is why I don't like coming to these outings. I smiled at the PM brightly and raised my glass to him.

 One sip won't hurt...

( About 20 sips later)

  I stumbled out of the restaurant seeing everything in doubles. The intern had insisted on toasting to everyone present at the dinner. One sip had turned into two, two into three and I had ended up drinking to everyone. But strangely, I felt awesome- like I could climb the highest mountain and swim across the ocean.

  Humming a tune I started walking in the direction of the bus stop. Or what I thought was the direction of the bus stop. After walking a few spaces I stopped.

 " Oh, Is this the correct way?" I asked myself "I don't know" 

 I peered into the night dreamily. Everything looked hazy. Aish who cares. The earth is round. I'm bound to come to the bus stop sooner or later if I keep walking. I started walking again happily.

 I've never felt this good. I opened my arms and started whirling around like a clumsy ballerina. I suddenly bumped into someone and lurched forward. That someone caught my arm before I fell.  

  It was a handsome guy who was wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night. It seemed so funny that I started giggling uncontrollably.

 "Are you drunk?" he asked me. I didn't answer. Instead I asked him "Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? Are you blind?"

 "What? No. You're drunk" he said

 "Tell me how many fingers I'm holding then," I held up both my hands in front of his face.

 "There's 10" the guy said with a sigh.

 "Nooo. There's 20!" I started laughing giddily "10 on each hand. Wahh I have 20 fingers!!!"

 My stomach gave a sudden lurch and I stopped laughing. Oh oh. My stomach gave another lurch and I could feel a bitter taste in my throat.

 "Yah! Are you-" the guy started saying and I promptly threw up.

(Sehun's POV)

 "YAH!!" I yelled as the girl threw up all over me. I pushed her away and she fell, still retching. I hastily removed my coat. "That was my favourite coat!"  The girl had finished throwing up and now she was curled up on the pavement, out cold.

 "Yah," I said poking her with my foot. I checked the time on my phone. 11: 37.  I looked around. It was deserted.

"Yah wake up," I poked her again "You can't sleep here" The girl didn't budge. Aish what do I do? I thought in frustration. I couldn't leave her there at that time of the night. Maybe she has her details on her phone.

  I looked in her handbag and found her phone. I tried switching it on but nothing happened. Battery dead. I sighed. Aish I'll have to take her with me.

  I bent down, swung one of her arms around my neck and hoisted her up. Ugh she's heavy. I managed to hail a taxi and bundled her in. I gave the driver the address and sat back. After a while I felt something heavy my shoulder. The girl was resting her head on my shoulder, her mouth slightly open. I pushed her head away.

   A few seconds passed. Once again the girl leaned towards me in her sleep and kept her her head on my shoulder. "Yah" I said pushing her away again. The car took a turn and she leaned against me again. Annoyed, I put out my hand and held the side of her head, keeping her away from me for the rest of the ride.

  Finally we arrived at our dorm. I payed the driver and hauled the girl out of the car and up the front steps. It was nearly midnight and I was way past curfew. Suho hyung must be having a fit, I thought. Sure enough, I was met by an angry Suho as soon as I entered.

  "OH SEHUN!" he thundered "Look at the time!! You-" he stopped short when he saw the girl. "Who is that?!!"

  "I don't know. She's drunk and passed out on the street. I couldn't leave her there so I brought her with me," I said "Help me hyung, she's heavy."

 Together we carried the girl to the sofa and laid her there. She turned over and mumbled something in her sleep.

 " I don't know what to do with this kid. You come late and bring home a drunk girl. Did anything happen with her?" Suho hyung asked suspiciously.

  "Hyung!" I protested "Nothing happened with her. Apart from her throwing up all over me" I held up my ruined coat.

 "Ok ok," he said "But don't you be late coming home again." He whacked me on my head lightly.

  "What's all the fuss?" asked a sleepy voice and we turned to see Baekhyun standing at the door of the room he shared with Chanyeol. His hair was standing in every direction and he was squinting in the bright light.

 "Sehun brought home a drunk girl" Suho hyung much to my annoyance.

 "Oh ok," said Baekhyun hyung simply and went back into his room rubbing his eyes sleepily. A second later he rushed back out.


  Suho hyung put a finger to his lips "Shh don't wake the others" He then gestured to the sofa.

   Baekhyun peeked at the sleeping figure, a sly smile blooming on his face. "Yahhh our Sehun has grown up. He's bringing home girls now huh?" he teased and ran away before I could hit him.

  "Yah hyung!!!" I cried annoyed and started chasing him around the room. The girl stirred in her sleep at the noise. Suho hyung caught the two of us by the back of our collars as we ran past him. 

   "Are you trying to wake up the entire house? Go to bed both of you, it's past 12 now," he chided. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

. . . 

(A/N) Hiya! So what do you think of this story? It's a bit different from my 1st one...I hope you like it. Anyway, see you later! <3

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