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(Sehun's POV)

3 weeks later...

  I shot upright, heart pounding and drenched in sweat. I took a few deep breaths to calm down and then swung my legs off the bed, running a hand through my hair and trying to forget the dream I just saw. It was always the same one; the girl standing over Seorin with a shard of glass. And me watching, rooted to the ground, unable to do anything as she bled on the cold pavement.

  My throat was dry. I groped around in the dark for the water bottle I kept on the bedside table. My hand knocked something over and it fell to floor with a loud clatter. On the other side of the room, a light came on and Suho squinted at me.

  "Sehun? What was that noise?"

  "Oh, sorry. I wanted some water and I knocked over a photo frame," I said, picking up the picture. My voice was strained. "Sorry for waking you up."

  Suho sat up. "Are you alright?" he asked, looking concerned. "You seem rattled."

  "Yeah I'm fine. Just a bad dream." I shrugged, but Suho was already getting out of bed and walking over to me.

  "Again?" he asked worriedly.

  I frowned. "What do you mean again?"

  "I noticed that you toss and turn restlessly these past few nights. Sometimes you would whimper or cry out. I would try to wake you up but you'd settle down again so I wouldn't" Suho searched my face anxiously. "What are the dreams about?"

  "Oh, nothing. Just usual bad dreams," I lied. "Falling off a cliff and things like that."

  Suho frowned and put a hand to my forehead, checking for fever. "Hyung, I'm not sick," I said, moving away with a laugh. "I'm just tired. With practices and stuff."

  Suho sat back and studied me intently for a minute. "Sehun, what is bothering you?" he asked "Tell me. What's wrong?"

  I swallowed and gave him a weak smile. "Nothing is bothering me hyung," I insisted "I promise. It's just a bad dream. Don't worry."

  "It must be a pretty scary dream to make you sweat like that," he said with a raised eyebrow. I looked down at my t-shirt that was sticking to my chest and shrugged. Suho sighed and walked over to the dresser. He rooted in it for a moment and tossed me a clean shirt.

  "Sehunnie. You know you can always tell me anything right?" he asked as I pulled the shirt over my head. "However big or small the problem is, I'm always ready to listen."

  "I know hyung," I replied, feeling a lump in my throat. I wanted to tell him everything but I also didn't want him to worry. Suho already did so much for all of us and I couldn't bring myself to burden him some more. It was my personal problem and I couldn't worry my members with it.

  "Ok then. Go back to sleep," Suho said gently "Just wake me up if you have any more bad dreams."

  "I'm not a kid, hyung," I said, getting into bed again with a laugh. Suho shrugged good-naturedly and went to his bed.

  "Good night Sehun," he said, switching off the lamp and plunging the room into darkness. I lay there with my eyes wide open and staring into the black ceiling, feeling afraid to fall asleep and have those dreams haunt me again.

  Even with my eyes open, I could still see Seorin bleeding and lifeless. I squeezed my eyes shut against it, but it was no use. Finally, I pulled the covers over my head and curled into a tight ball, wishing the guilt and fear would go away.

The next day...

  We came home from practices early. It was the day Seorin got discharged from the hospital and we wanted to clean the house up a bit. In the few weeks of Seorin's absence, the house had become a mess, despite Xiumin's and D.O's constant scolding.

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