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(Seorin's POV)

  The was a soft knock on the door and I lowered the volume of the TV. 

  "Come in," I called. The door opened and Suho poked his head in with a smile. He stepped into the room, trailed by the others; D.O, Chen, Lay, Kai, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Chanyeol and.... Chanyeol shut the door behind him. Why isn't he here? I stared at the door, willing it to open.

  I was pulled away from my thoughts when I was suddenly engulfed in a huge bear hug. It was Kai.

  "Seorin!!!" he cried "We were so worried!!! I thought you were going to die!!!" He sounded on the verge of tears and I felt touched to be cared for so much. I smiled and patted his back.

  "I'm fine now. Don't worry," I said ignoring the twinge of pain on my stomach where he was hugging me. Suho came forward and pulled Kai away.

  "Be careful. She just got stitches ," he chided "She won't be fine if you keep squashing her." He looked at me anxiously. "How are you feeling?" he asked as the others crowded around the bed, looking worried.

  "I'm fine," I assured them. "It doesn't hurt unless I move around. The doctor says its normal and it'll go away after some time."

  Suho nodded sympathetically. "We're sorry we weren't able come sooner," he said "Our schedules were packed and we had to make sure we won't make a scene by arriving at the hospital together."  

  "It's ok," I said with a smile and they smiled back. As the members spread out around the room, I found my gaze moving expectantly towards the door again.

  "Hey Seorin," Chanyeol said and I looked towards him. He was carrying a bunch of flowers with a 'Get Well Soon' tag. "Where can I put these?" he asked. I pointed at a table in the corner where there were some more bunches of flowers.

  "You've got a lot of flowers," Chanyeol observed as he made his way across the room to the table.

  "Yeah," I laughed. "They're from a friend."

  "One person brought you all these?" he asked arranging his flowers beside the rest. Just then the door opened and I whipped my head around expectantly. But it was only Ji Hun, carry a bunch of flowers.

  "Oh, I didn't know you had visitors," he said looking surprised.

  "Yeah, they came a few minutes ago," I said trying to swallow my disappointment.

  "You don't look very happy to see me," Ji Hun said crossing over to the table with the flowers to place the bouquet among the others he had brought me for the last few days. "Were you expecting someone else?"

  "W-what? No, don't be silly!" 

  Ji Hun looked around the room and raised an eyebrow. "You are obviously waiting for someone else," he said flatly. On the other side of the room, Baekhyun winked at me and I groaned inwardly.

  "If you are waiting for Sehun," Xiumin said "He was called down to the police station to give a statement. Don't worry, he didn't forget you," He gave me teasing grin and I went red.

  "The main highlight of his day is coming to visit you," D.O said with a smile. Really? Then how come he never visited?  "By the way, I sent some soup with him that day, did you get it?"

  I looked at him in confusion. What is he talking about?? Sehun never visited me, much less gave me any soup. Wait... I suddenly remembered the container of soup the nurse had brought me, saying that it was from a friend who had stopped by in a hurry. I had thought it was probably A-yeong or one of my colleagues. It was Sehun?? Why didn't he come in?

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