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Exo's Sehun dating?

The Kpop world is in uproar after Exo's Sehun is caught up in a dating rumour. Several pictures of what appeared to be Exo's lead rapper and maknae Oh Sehun on a date have found their way to social media this morning. The twenty three year old idol was seen at a restaurant with an unidentified girl. 

The pictures show the idol and the girl laughing and having fun, but what got the most attention was one picture in particular. The picture in question showed Sehun and the girl holding hands, much to the fans shock and disbelief.

The face of the girl is not clear and many fans speculate that she is a non celebrity. There has been no response to these rumours by Sehun or SM Entertainment despite fans' demand for answers. The pictures are circulating all over social media and Sehun's instagram is flooding with comments from concerned fans.

For more updates on this and other news in the Kpop world, please stay tuned to FuellingFires.

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 Identity of Exo Sehun's Girlfriend Revealed 

Exo's Sehun made the headlines earlier this morning with a dating rumour. Since then, netizens have done some digging to uncover the identity of the mysterious girl. After much speculation, they have come to a conclusion that the girl in question is an employee of Cosmic Pvt. Ltd, a well known cosmetic producer that recently had a collaboration with SM Entertainment.

The girl appears to be twenty three years old and goes by the name Park Seo Rin. A company insider revealed that she had been working as Sehun's assistant during his time as Cosmic's official brand ambassador. Fans have raked through Sehun's instagram updates from then and have found some photos that show a girl similar to her at the edge of the frame.

Another discovery netizens have made is that the model with Sehun in Cosmic's couple photoshoot and his rumoured  girlfriend, are one and the same. Earlier this year, Cosmic did several photoshoots of Sehun to promote their new clothing line 'Allure' and one photoshoot caught much interest. The photoshoot featured Allure's couple sets worn by Sehun and an unknown female model. Many have been tying to find out who the pretty female model was, given that Cosmic had not used the model's name but only the initials 'P. S. R.'  Now, it seemed that it stood for Park Seo Rin.

About six months ago, Sehun made the headlines with a controversy regarding assault. An anonymous source took to social media to accuse the lead rapper of Exo for beating him up for no reason. This accusation has been proven to be false and SM Entertainment has taken strict legal action against it. The accuser was found to be guilty of sexual assault and harassment and has been arrested. SM Entertainment issued a official statement stating that Sehun had to get physical only because the accuser had been harassing a female employee of Cosmic he had been working closely with. Later that day Cosmic also issued a statement confirming the story.

The accuser had posted a video of  Sehun advancing on him angrily, and fans had been concerned as to why he had looked so angry and rattled. Sehun was usually described as someone who seemed calm so this angry behaviour was a little unusual. But the recent events have shed some light on it. Fans had caught a glimpse of a girl standing at the edge of the frame in the video and many have admitted that they could hear someone sobbing in the background. 

It seems like the female employee Sehun had saved from the harasser was his assistant and now, his rumoured girlfriend. Eagle eyed fans have found evidence to back up these claims. Sehun had attended a promotional event earlier that day as Cosmic's ambassador and pictures of the event reveal his assistant standing beside him on many occasions. The clothes she was wearing matched the clothes of the girl in the video. Though the girl in the video was only partly visible, it was enough for fans to spot the similarities. Side by side comparisons of the pictures show that the clothes were exactly the same, and as both events took place the same day, it is safe to assume that they were the same person.

Neither Sehun nor SM Entertainment have given any kind of response to these rumours as of now. Stay tuned for more news on this. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.


Anonymous: He's dating his assistant. What a joke!

Anonymous: He really is living in a dream world. Does he think he's in some romcom or something? Dating his assistant lmao.

Anonymous: I think it's kinda cute. No wonder he was livid when that man was harassing her. She must mean a lot to him.

Anonymous: Sehun is dating??? NO, I refuse to believe it!!! Oppa won't do that to us

Anonymous: Cosmic used some random woman to have a photoshoot with Exo's Sehun?! How unprofessional. She might be pretty but she's not even a model and besides, there's loads of better looking people.

Anonymous: Are you kidding me?! Oppa's dating HER?! Like there isn't better people out there.

Anonymous: I feel a bit hurt, but if he's happy... well, I guess it's ok.

Anonymous: It's bye bye to EXO and Sehun now!!! Knew he'd be a flop. He probably spends his time running around with that b* while the others are practicing their lines coz he doesn't HAVE lines to practice lol.

Anonymous: WTH leave him alone!!! It's his choice not yours. Go back to whatever drain you crawled out of.

Anonymous: Why isn't he saying anything? The least he could do now is own up.

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(A/N) Of course it had to blow up. Idols don't have any privacy PERIODT. Even in places they should have. It's just sad really, but it is what it is :((( Anyway hope you guys enjoyed the story up to now. Thanks for reading.

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