Chapter 4

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"Zen-Zen.... Your coming with me"


"Don't what me... Your gonna help me with this job"

"I'm not staying at some strange skeletons house!"

"not your choice"

"That doesn't make sense!"

"To bad so sad"

'She's just like the boss...'

"Any of you?"


"Disagree to this?"

"Not our choice"

"Lovely! Ugh!"

"I'll pack your stuff... You can go punch your bag"

"I feel like snapping your neck right now"

"We both know that won't end well for you"

"Oh? You wanna try me?"

"Woah ladies.... Just hurry it up... The boss doesn't like being holded up"

"I don't follow ya. I follow Code. Ugh! I'll be in my basement"

"Why does it smell bloody?"

"Ooo~ nice nose hunk"

She tapped his nose leaving out of the room. Code had coughed into her hand trying not to laugh for real. Horror was left confused as the other two snickered seeing how the other girl reacted....

"If your wondering about the blood.... It's from the people down there that was beaten... She cleans up the place spotless so you smelling blood instead of Cleaning products made her amused"

"That's why ya said it smelled like gallons of bleach?"

"Yes... I'm surprised ya havnt died"

"We may be humans but we are special humans... Besides... People just think she's a neat freak when coming in by the smell... Alright done... She can get her private stuff... Catch"


"I need to get her punching bad down stairs and some other things from a different room... Come on you three"

"It's like having another boss..."

"I know right? No wonder the boss has a shine to her"

"I can hear ya you know"

"We don't care"

"I know but you should"


"I hate that you forced me here"

"Too bad... The chip ready?"

"Ya ya... Hopefully it doesn't crash going through the portal"

"Teleport crashed it with our outcomes so hopefully it doesn't"

"True... Here"

"Thanks" You caught it leaving out of the room "here error"

"Hm? Done?"

"See if it works... It is only a prototype... We be track in your movements... So go to basic AUs and we will text you when you can move... And don't go into the anti-void"

"Ya, ya... Wait... How you know about that!? Nightmare said-Thanks! We be waiting!"

"you damn... Heh... No wonder...."

"Told you" He came in "she's one smart girl"

"Definitely... Guess I'll go try this out... Be back in a minute nightmare"

To be continued.....

(Sorry for mistakes)

Secret Queen (Sanscest/Nightmare x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon