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pairing: sasuke x naruto
type: angst
au: angel and demon au

summary: "i hope we're still friends..."

tw's: death, suicide, slight eating disorders



The Afterlife is something that humans look forward to for decades because of the sheer curiosity that has brought them. No information has been pinned on the strange fate, because you can't perish and get resurrected to tell the world about your experience. That would be like resealing the peel on a banana; it wouldn't latch itself and the peel would never be used again.

And while there is no way to know the true details of The Afterlife until you're forced to your death bed, rumors, myths and legends are passed around like germs. In school, students read passages on them. Legends from centuries ago are passed down through families, curious to learn about false tales. There are hundreds of thousands of books on The Afterlife.

For years, Naruto Uzumaki was always enchanted by the idea of an eternal life. In school, he learned about ancient Egyptians and how they were the first people to believe in The Afterlife. "We actually don't know if there is such thing as another life," his teacher said many, many years ago, "But scientists have studied the idea for years." Naruto's eyes sparkled and he grew silent, daydreaming on the simple whim.

However he sat all by himself, with no thoughts clouding over his mind.

That night, he took Naruto to look at the stars. When they kissed with the setting sun behind them, Naruto cried, probably because he waited for moments like these for years. For it to finally be reality was almost magical to him.

A little later, they got back into the car. It was going smooth. Sasuke drove, stopping at all of the right times and trying to get back to Naruto's house as soon as possible. An d a t the final light, they were this close to doing it. They were so close to making it home and laying down on the couch and cuddling all night.

And they slept, all night. They slept for a few long hours in soft, white beds and comfortable clothes.

Sasuke was first to wake up. He looked around the room with a bit of a blur ghosting his eyes, until he whispered: "Why the hell am I in a hospital room?" A moment later, Sasuke attempted to get up but felt a severe pain in his upper right thigh and knee, with other parts of his body feeling course.

A nurse came into the room, shocked to see him awake. She gave him some medications, breakfast and tended to him some more. "There was a terrible car crash," she explained, setting a cup of water down, "And you're happy to be alive. But don't worry, it wasn't your fault."

Later, he got to see his mother. "Where's Naruto?" he asked her, determined to check on his boyfriend. "I think he's in the next room over, I don't know."

It was three days until he was allowed to see Naruto, and it had to be with crutches and help from his mother since he still couldn't walk with his broken leg.

Mikoto steadied him in with a nurse not far behind, and Sasuke's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Naruto. Regret and guilt filled his mind as memories of the grave night ran back. Sasuke was barely able stay standing. "Hey," he greeted and quickly sat in the chair next to the bed. Naruto did not reply for a few seconds, squinting slightly to see Sasuke. A few moments later, he whispered, "Who are you?"

"Did they not tell you?" the nurse interveined. "All of his memories from now to seven years ago are lost. It will take a few weeks for him to regain them." When she turned to exit, she muttered, "Assuming he survives, that is."

Sasuke's heart shattered. All of the progress they've made, all of the times they spent making memories together have been trashed. "You never told me who you are," Naruto impatiently whined. Sasuke breifly looked up at him before mumbling, "I'm your boyfriend."

In the crash, Naruto hit his head on the window, and it gave him severe brain damage. Like the nurse said, it will take him three months at most to remember everything. He also broke his left arm and has some one or two sprains.

As the weeks progressed, so did Naruto's memory. He remembered more and more things, wearing a bigger grin each time he saw Sasuke. He told the stories of them, ranging from five to two years old. Sasuke was fascinated to accompany his lover in the battle of recovery.

And as his memories got stronger, his body got weaker, and his time ran out. Sasuke's stays got longer and their conversations got deeper, because they both knew. It got to the point where Naruto told Sasuke everything, even how he was feeling. "I feel broken, but you make me feel better." Sasuke smiled.

"Even if I don't remember you exactly, from what I do, you're really sweet. Maybe I'll remember this year soon."

In his bed, Sasuke still feels guilty. He feels like it's his fault that Naruto is suffering, and it's torture for him to take on this pain.

As Naruto forced himself to eat more, trying his best to survive, Sasuke forced himself to stop eating. It was his punishment.

Sitting aside Naruto's bed, he stared at his boney arms and mentally stabbed himself for it. He held on and didn't cry, but Naruto's small hand in his was almost enough for him to. "I'll be okay," he reassured with an unsure smile. Sasuke forced himself to nod.

The day came, and Sasuke did cry, because he knew how much Naruto was hanging on and trying to recover. He was trying so hard, and just couldn't.

He had to let go.

"Sasuke," Naruto whispered and squeezed his hand, "It'll be okay." He kissed Sasuke's hand, looking him in the eyes and whispering, "Love you."

That was the last time he ever saw Naruto.

His health slowly declined, with help from the lack of nutrition and eating in general.

And one night, when it hurt too much in his heart, he snuck out of his bedroom while avoiding all staff. While limping and grabbing for anything in sight as to not topple over, Sasuke pressed the elevator's up button and pressed the top button, barely reaching. 

When he arrived at the top, he felt the chill of the air. Pondering his decisions for a few moments, Sasuke walked to the side of the rooftop, staring down at the illuminated street and all the cars. Sasuke's heart was beating at a million miles per hour and when he finally decided that it was now or never...

He jumped. The strong urge to see Naruto's gorgeous face one more time got the most of him.

So the mystery of The Afterlife was revealed to not only Naruto, but now Sasuke, too.

Heaven and Hell: you go to one, living for eternity as an angel or a demon. Your fate is decided by how you perform as a human.

It's your life, and your afterlife. If possible, most people would take the time to prepare, but if you don't know, you can't do anything you need to do.

Demons and angels are forbidden to speak or interact. They are opposites.

So everyday, Sasuke looks over to the other side, watching Naruto like he's some art in a museum. As a demon, he spends time terrorizing the lives of strangers, then Naruto pitches in to fix them.

Whilst his efforts to see Naruto may seem stupid, it was the best decision in his entire life. He swoons over Naruto in awe, wishing they could be with one another for eternity.

Right before Sasuke falls asleep, he has an epiphany, a rare moment in which a subject of The Afterlife remembers a time from their first life. He and Naruto were eight years old.

Naruto whispered, "I hope we're still friends..."


🎶jæšöņ đėŕųłø🎶

ngl, I kinda hate the end, and how out of character sasuke is, but I hope this fulfilled your request :) dolphinplays11

1385 words

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