Chapter 1

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It was any other day for you at college... Third semester if I might say.... People didn't like you much since something about your presence was always eerie and just gave had vibes in general no matter if you were nice and smiling. People just avoided you at all cost and didn't want to even be in the same room... Heck! The teachers didn't even want to teach you or talk or even touch you for the matter.... No wonder you are passing so easily... Even though your working well....

"Zena! Hey!"

"Oh! Y/N! Hey!"

Who was Zena? Well, she's the only girl that actually talks to you. Your best friend since childhood so it's a given. It be weird If she didn't.... But it's not like you can control her movements in life....

"Did you hear about the darkness?"


"Ya! People been getting very bad nightmares and they been coming real! There's also some chaos down town that keeps happening..."


"Don't know... Nobody really sees them"


"Ya... And it's coming closer... It's really weird"

"Definitely... Wanna go get Sansbucks?"

"Oh hell yes!"


You where sitting infront of a computer in the dark with glasses on and your hair tied (if it's too short for a low pony tail, leave it loose I suppose). You where typing like your. Life depend on it not even looking down. A bag of chips on the side of the desk... Something the brush against your cheek making you him rubbing against it swallowing what was in your mouth

"Hey Nighty"

"Hey Code.... How's it going?"

"Almost done.... Who's your friend?"

"Error the destroyer? Remember?"

"Oh him... You owe me a chocolate if you want that one"

"Mine then"

"Hmm... I'm almost done with what I have..."

"Is that so..."

"Yeah... You caused problems here I suppose?"

"Maybe... Someone ticked me off whole heading over. Needed chocolate for the house again"

"They ate them all again I suppose.... They r3ally aren't special"

"Just something from this place that taste better then rest"

"Is that so error.... Done! Alright... Here"

You opened a part of a square thing that looked like a computer. It came out as a glowing sphere with smoke. You picked it up with a rag handing it to the boss. It grabbed it carefully with the rag

"Great job as always"

You hummed shutting your stuff down and turning on the light. They were gone when you turned.... Of course... Your just a pawn after all...

"Why me of all... Why my life accome to this?"

To be continued.....

(Sorry for mistakes; Have an early christmas gift from me!)

(I been working on this for a while... Only a few chapters(3 and a half) are made and I been trying to get the hang of X reader books since I suck at them and usually turn into an oc thing... Hope you enjoy it though!)

Secret Queen (Sanscest/Nightmare x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now