Meet My Sister

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Chapter 10

'Ugh. I can't sleep!' I thought looking at the clock on my phone. 6am... Nice.

"Agh!" I yelled/whispered grabbing my stomach. I strongly dislike Mother Nature, with a passion.

"You alright?" Harry asked from his bunk across from me. I looked at him an shook my head.

"No. I have REALLY bad crAMPS!" I said cringing towards the end cause of a huge cramp. Harry got out of his bunk an went some were.

He came back a little latter with water and Tylenol.

"Here you go. If you need anything you won't be a bother to wake one of us up. Ok?" He asked as I took the medicean.

"Ok. I'll hold you to that." I said taking a sip of water. He laughed and got back in his bunk. I sigh and rub my tummy like the baby I am.

- 2 hours later -

"AGH!" I yelled hitting my head on my bunk while getting out.

"SHUT UP!" Louis yelled throwing a pillow at me.

'Shut up you little-' I mumbled walking out to the main part in the bus. I ripped open one of my bags and yanked out a sock. I walked over to the kitchen an looked for some rice.

'BINGO!' I whispered to myself pouring an old bag of rice I found in the back of the cabinet. I put the rice sick in the microwave and heated it for 45 seconds.

I took it out and went to the couch. I laid flat and put the warm sock on my belly. Ah. Better.

I closed my eyes and started to drift back to sleep when-

"ALYSSA WAKE UP AND GET DRESSED WE'RE TAKING YOU ON A DATE!" Zayn and Niall yelled shaking me. I opened my eyes and pushed them up.

"WHAT DO YOU FREAKEN WANT!?" I yelled standing up. Oh, Cramps. Ow.

"Get dressed were all taking you out, on a date." Liam said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but we better go somewhere with chocolate or you're all in a deep hole." I said carling to my bag and picking out the perfect shirt and some jeans then walking to the bathroom to change.

I changed an walked out.

"Well, that shirt soots your mood." Louis laughed looking at my 'Bad Mood' shirt. I fake smiled and slid on some boots.

"Boys! You can explore around, but be back at the busses in 3 hours. We need to back on the road." Paul said walking on the bus. The boys said ok and grabbed my hand pulling me off the bus. I tried to wave bye to Paul but we were in a car before you can say 'kidnap'.

"Are you ready for our date?" Harry winked at me. Niall and Liam laughed.

"Depends. Do I have to dates brother too?" I asked un-buckling and laying flat on the floor bored.

"Yes. Think of this date as a brother sister bonding date thing. What are you doing?" Louis asked looking at me.

"I hate being a girl sometimes." I muttered turning to my belly.

"Oh! I still haven't told the world I have another sister!" He said slapping his hand to his face.

"Why can't I just be a mystery girl who lives with One Direction." I said to the floor board.

"Do you want to be known as a slut? Cause are fans tend to think we hook up with every 'mystery girl'." Zayn laughed. I flicked him off.

"Fine. Tell them." I said still facing the floorboard. Next thing you know they are asking me for my twitter.

"I don have one." I said turning over.

"What! No twitter!" Liam said. I laughed and nodded.

"We're making up a twitter now!" Niall said taking my phone from me.

"What is your password?" Harry asked while Niall tapped at my phone trying to unlock it.

"Uh... 3425" I said. Niall typed it in and laughed.

"OI! Nasty little girl are ya!" He laughed. Harry typed it in his phone and laughed too.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!" Louis yelled.

"Her password spells-" Zayn whispered to Louis. Louis looked at me an laughed. Liam shook his head laughing.

"Now to make you a twitter. Email?" Niall asked.

"" I said. He typed it in and handed it to Liam.

After a while he handed me my phone and I looked at my new twitter.


New name. Ok, let's think... OH!


That's more like it.

"What your name now?" Liam said. I laughed.

"alyssa dash thing a s d f g h j k l." I said trying to pic a profile picture. Soon I had 5 new followers. After that I had 200 more, then 1,000 more.

"How do you guys do that?" I asked. They shrugged and the car stopped.

"We're here!" Louis yelled running out of the car. We followed him into a Starbucks. Fancy!

I ordered the most chocolatly thing on the menu and sat in the corner with the boys.

"We should do a twitcam to introduce you!" Louis said.

"Wait. You a twitcam?" I laughed. He stuck his tongue out and pulled out his laptop from my bag... Wait. My bag! I smacked the back of his head and yelled at him for messing with my stuff.

"Hey guys!" Louis said to the laptop while I was yelling at him.

"Hello 103725 Directioners!" Niall said looking at the count... How long was I yelling?

"Hey guys. I have someone to introduce to you. This is Alyssa." Louis said scooting over so I could sit beside him.

"Uh... Um... Hi?" I said waving and trying to figure out what he was going to tell them.

"Alyssa is Louis twin sister!" Harry said from behind me. Louis nodded. Everyone exploded commenting 'DON'T LIE TO ME' and stuff.

"It's true. When I went on x-factor she was... Very insecure. She didn't want to get attention. By the time I got home from x-factor she got excepted to a UNI in America. We lost contact and I just recently found her!" He said putting his arm around me. I smiled and nodded. The fans were calm now and were just like 'I can't believe someone like YOU would be so insecure.'

"Thanks guys, but I know how this stuff works I tell you you're pretty then you just say it to make me feel good. My friends do it all the time. You also just say it hoping to get attention but thanks anyway!" I say to the camera. Louis just looked at me. Liam blinked a couple times before taking the laptop on a tour of the Starbucks.

"How come you never told us you were so insecure?" Zayn asked me and Louis...

"Um, uh we have to get back to the busses!" I said standing up and calling a taxi. I left leaving the boys very confused. What else was I supposed to do?! We were in public and there was a twitcam going on! I better prepare my explanation speech...

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