25 | the devil you know [part two]

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So, not only does Kendall have to deal with a boyfriend who feels betrayed when she returns to the abandoned house, but she now has a headache, a split lip, and an overwhelming urge to thoroughly hose herself down after being flirted with by Brady's nasty demon ass. Brady, who knows the location of Pestilence, had no interest in the rings at all. He just wanted to toy with them, which included beating Dean's ass and trying to proposition Kendall.

Kendall led him on, batting her eyelashes and turning around as if she was going to remove her shirt. And Brady fell for it, when in reality all she was doing was removing the vial of holy water from her bra to whirl around and throw into his face. As he screamed, Kendall whipped out her angel blade to stab him in the shoulder but wasn't quick enough, as Brady grabbed her wrist and head-butted her.

He then proceeded to kick her and Dean's ass simultaneously.

A beat down when it's one person against two is never a pretty sight, and Kendall would be embarrassed on both of their behalf if she wasn't now hellbent on killing Crowley for using them as bait. Though he does capture Brady and they still need him to break the demon, so she can't kill him yet. That doesn't mean she won't already have a blade set aside with his name on it.

Of course, as is the case since she joined the Winchesters, even when they take a beating things are still never easy. Crowley doesn't want to take Brady back to the house because he and Sam have a history. And when Kendall hears exactly what that history is, she can't say she disagrees.

"Look, I know you want to give Sam the benefit of the doubt," Kendall is telling Dean, the two on the side of the road discussing what plan of action to take as Crowley waits in the car with a hood-tied Brady in the backseat. Dean's all for taking Brady back to give Sam a chance to prove himself or whatever the fuck he's on but Kendall isn't seeing the highlights in an idea like that. "You trust him and so do I, but this ain't about trust, Dean. We can't expect Sam to just be calm when he's confronted with the demon responsible for Jessica's death."

Dean crosses his arms over his chest, working through Kendall's words and his own thoughts. "We can't leave him out of this, Ken," he says after a moment, looking at her seriously. "It's bad enough that he already thinks the two of us are sporting Team Crowley undershirts. Do you really wanna give him another reason to believe it?"

"I don't give a shit about that," Kendall answers honestly. "Let him believe what he wants about Crowley. But I've heard the Jessica stories, and I'm telling you that Sam shouldn't have to be reminded of her death."

At this stage in their relationship, Kendall and Sam rarely talk about their exes. But when they were first getting to know each other, talk of them popped up rather frequently. And after Sam told Kendall the tragic Jessica story, it was only right that she shared with him her biggest heartbreak.

While nowhere near as earth-shattering as the death of Jessica, Kendall told Sam the story of her first love Stella, who was insanely competitive and so damn funny. She had the prettiest brown eyes that shined like stars every time she looked at Kendall, and Kendall found herself wanting to give her the world. Though Stella wasn't a hunter, and their relationship was met with scrutiny from many a person outside her family, Kendall was all set to spend the rest of her life with the girl.

Then Damian died and Kendall draped herself in the flag of vengeance, going down a dark path Stella simply couldn't and didn't want to follow. Kendall, who loved Stella with all of her heart, had no choice but to let her go.

To this day, Kendall still remembers the goodbye. How Stella cried buckets before she prepared to set off for college out west and Kendall stared emptily, stuck somewhere in between the death of her brother and the realization that one of the last good things in her life would soon cease to exist. When she met Stella's eyes for the last time, Kendall tried to snap out of her trance to put on her trademark confidence but found the truth slipping out instead. "I was kinda hoping to marry you, you know?"

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