13 | changing channels [part two]

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The three walk through the hospital corridors, each trying to wrap their heads around the fact that they're trapped in a TV show, according to Dean.

"Dudes, what the hell," Dean asks.

"No clue," Kendall says at the same time Sam answers with, "I don't know."

"No, seriously, what the hell?"

"We don't know," Sam reiterates.

"One theory. Any theory."

Kendall shrugs. "Shared hallucination? It's not unheard of."

"Maybe," Dean says slowly, but he doesn't look convinced. Kendall doesn't believe it either, she was just spitballing. Trying to make sense of where they are is better than just doing nothing. "But if he got the jump on us, wouldn't we have seen it coming?"

"We didn't see this coming," Kendall points out, pulling at her lab coat. As she does, she gives herself an impressed once over. Crisis or not, there's no denying she looks pretty damn good in it. She slips her hands into her pockets, peeking into the rooms they pass. "And I'm just thinking out loud. Y'all are the ones that know him, so you tell me what's happening."

"Uh," Sam starts, gesturing randomly with his left hand. "The Trickster trapped us in TV Land."

Dean frowns. "That's your theory. That's stupid."

"You're the one who said we're on Dr. Sexy, MD," Sam shoots back.

"Yeah, but TV land isn't TV Land," Dean tells him. I mean, there's actors a-and lights and crew members, you know? This looks real."

Kendall pinches the bridge of her nose, taking a deep breath. This is insane, there's no doubt about it. But they've made it through a lot worse. How bad can this possibly be compared to it?

As Dean is giving them a run-down of different Dr. Sexy MD characters and trying to tell Sam he's not a fan, his denial is stopped when he notices someone coming their way. Staring admirably, he says, "Oh, boy."

Kendall turns her attention to where Dean is staring to see a white doctor with long hair and a well-kept beard. Sam either doesn't notice or care to notice he's heading directly towards them, asking, "What?"

Dean lets out a small laugh of shock. "It's him."


"It's him, it's Dr. Sexy," Dean tells the two of them, glancing away bashfully as the man comes to a stop in front of the trio.

He looks at Dean first, greeting him with a stone-faced, "Doctor."

Dean is so clearly smitten, looking down to hide his smile. "Doctor."

Dr. Sexy turns to Sam. "Doctor."

Sam nods, then looks back at Dean, who swats him discreetly. Sam rolls his eyes, returning his stare to Dr. Sexy to give a mocking, "Doctor."

He looks at Kendall last. "Doctor."

Kendall returns her hands to her pockets, sighing. "What's up, Doc?"

Dean is hurt at the complete lack of respect she's showing his TV crush, but they've got more important things to do than placate a pretend man.

Dr. Sexy sends her a narrowed-eyed stare before addressing Dean again. "You want to give me one good reason why you defied my direct order to do the experimental face transplant on Mrs. Beale?"

Slowly, Dean's expression of admiration turns into one of confusion. He exchanges quick glances with Sam and Kendall, then turns back to Dr. Sexy. "One reason?"

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