30 | swan song [part two]

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They watch as the news recounts all the horrors and disasters happening around the world, a sign that the Apocalypse is starting as the news reporter announces the prediction of a six-figure death toll.

Kendall's antsy. She refuses to stand back and do nothing as the Apocalypse rolls on and Dean's in the same boat. But Cas says that once Lucifer and Michael meet on the chosen field, there'll be no way to stop it. A chosen field he doesn't know the location of.

"Well, there's got to be something that we can do," Dean insists.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Cas says with a shake of his head. "This is over."

"You listen to me, you junkless sissy—we are not giving up!" He whirls to face Bobby. "Bobby?" Bobby doesn't say anything. "Bobby?"

"There was never much hope to begin with," Bobby says, looking in between him and Kendall with unshed tears in his eyes. "I don't know what else to do."

When Dean meets Kendall's eyes, her resolve is unwavering. "I don't care what we do or how we do it, just know that I'm with you."

Dean's stare is thankful in return, giving a single nod before racking his brains for solutions. Kendall can see the exact moment something clicks into place, his eyes going a little wider. "I think I've got an idea."


Dean calls their prophet friend Chuck, who Kendall remembers meeting briefly in the future and meeting officially at the Supernatural Convention. He gives them the location of the fight, it happening at noon at Stull Cemetery in Lawrence, Kansas. Bobby and Cas are against going, because the plan is stupid and it's too late. Maybe it is, but Dean's heart is already set on not letting Sam die alone. And Sam's life isn't the only one at stake, so of course Kendall agrees to come along. How could she not?

The ride to Lawrence is long. Mostly quiet. Kendall calls her family because it wouldn't be right to go on a suicide mission like this and leave them in the dark. They're against it right away. And it's not funny, but her mom even tries to order her home. Damn, what she wouldn't do to keep them. But going to stop Armageddon will allow them to see another day and that's the only thing that matters.

They're almost there when Dean speaks into the silence. "Thank you, Kendall," he says simply. Takes a quick look at her before refocusing on the road he's speeding down. "If this is the end, I just wanted you to know I'm grateful you stuck with me."

"I know, Dean," Kendall tells him, aware that not many friends would have agreed to go with him. "But let's try our best to make sure this ain't the end, all right?"

Dean nods, revving the engine a bit. He gestures to his cassette tapes down on the floor by Kendall's feet. "Pass me the Def Leppard one."

Kendall hands it to Dean, who slips it into the tape deck and turns up the volume on "Rock of Ages" as the entryway to Stull Cemetery comes into view.

They pull into the cemetery, driving up to Lucifer and Michael in Adam's body, who don't look happy to see them as the music keeps playing. The two step out of the car, Dean greeting them with, "Howdy, boys."

Kendall leans against the passenger side door, finally feeling her smartass nature coming back to her. If she's going out, she's going out with a bang. "We came to get the party started." She grimaces as she takes in the faces of the archangels. "Is this a bad time?"


Dean cuts the music off and closes the door, he and Kendall moving in front of them. "Hey. We need to talk."

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