23 | hammer of the gods [part two]

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Kendall sits in a chair in-between Sam and Dean, fiddling with her charm bracelet as her eyes scan the room. There's only one exit and they're being monitored very closely as Baldur gives a speech to the rest of the gods in the room.

Yes, gods. Kendall was hoping they had been abducted by some type of pagan god cosplay group, but nope. It's exactly as she feared. They're actually living, breathing gods.

At least she can say life with the Winchesters is never boring.

So, what's Baldur and gang's deal? They're aware of the approaching Apocalypse and want to do something to stop it, which isn't so bad, really. Then he refers to the trio as bargaining chips and Zao Shen suggests the gods kill them and Kendall is almost convinced this is some weird fever dream. Almost.

When Odin and Zao Shen get into a pissing match over something, Kendall doesn't know if she should be dissociating or enjoying the show. Perhaps she could make a better choice if she had one of those flutes of champagne they're serving. She wonders if she could ask for one without having her tongue ripped out and flayed. Probably not.

In the middle of counting the number of overpowered beings they'd have to blow through to bust the hell out of here, Sam and Kendall lock eyes. He jerks his gaze toward the door, and she knows what he means right away. No better time for an escape than in the middle of an argument.

They quietly rise from their seats, trying to exit the room. Of course, it's then that they're back in the spotlight as a chandelier crashes down onto the floor in front of them, stopping their escape before they've gotten anywhere.

"Stay," Kali demands, and the three turn back to look at her. She gazes around the room at her fellow gods. "We have to fight," she tells them. "The archangels—the only thing they understand is violence. This ends in blood. There is no other way. It's them...or us."

And she's not wrong, but Kendall's not gonna be the one inclined to agree with her captor. Because the next step is working together followed by the overarching plot of falling in love and Stockholm syndrome movies are fucking played out. No thanks.

Kendall realizes her mind is spiraling way out of control and she tries to quiet it as Chet Michael Mercury decides to voice his disagreement with that plan. "With all due respect, ma'am, we haven't even tried talking to them."

With a menacing gaze, Kali begins to force Mercury to choke up his own blood. She might have killed him if Baldur didn't interject to prevent it. So, Kali releases her hold on him, disinterested as she sarcastically states to Mercury, "Who asked you?"

The ballroom doors swing open and a voice Kendall's starting to know all too well exclaims, "Can't we all just get along?"

Kendall whirls around to see Gabriel waltzing in. The last time they saw Gabriel, he trapped the trio in TV Land, and they found out he was a damn archangel. And while they didn't leave on the best of terms, Kendall will turn to help wherever she can get it.

She points at him and starts to speak, but Gabriel puts a stop to that with a slash of his fingers, rendering her mute. Kendall brings a hand to her throat and trades looks with the boys. They're mouthing words but nothing's coming out audibly for them either. Great.

Gabriel tsks his tongue, strolling over to them. "Sam, Kendall, Dean..." He looks them up and down, then shakes his head. "It's always wrong place, worst time with you muttonheads, huh?"

Kendall crosses her arms over her chest, sending him a silent glare she hopes is enough to get across her massive annoyance.

Kendall crosses her arms over her chest, sending him a silent glare she hopes is enough to get across her massive annoyance

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