04 | the end [part two]

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At night, after it seems like the coast is clear, Dean starts digging at the ground near a broken fence with a discarded piece of wood so they can make their escape. In the time since they had been hidden not only had they traded a few anecdotes about themselves, but Dean had explained all about the Croatoan virus. And since Kendall has no desire to run into them again, it was best to get the hell out of dodge.

Dean lets Kendall squeeze through the fence first, then she bends down to offer him a hand. "Remind me that the next time I bump into a Winchester," she starts when he takes her hand, grunting as she helps him through the fence. "To do a complete 180 and head far away." She's only halfway joking.

"Gladly," Dean scoffs as he rises from the ground, dusting himself off while looking around. Kendall drops her head to pin her hair up into a ponytail with a black scrunchie on her left wrist when Dean says, "Check that out."

Kendall lifts her head, smoothing down any out of place hairs as she looks at where Dean's gesturing to a sign on the fence that informs them that they're in a Croatoan hot zone. Somehow, that's only their second biggest problem. "August first, 2014," Dean reads aloud from the sign.

Bringing her hands to her temple, Kendall's mouth drops open in shock. It snaps closed right away as she clasps her hands under her chin. "How in the hell did we get to the future?"

"Hell if I know," Dean replies, eyes fixating on a car a little ways off. "But I don't want to stick around and find out. Come on."

Kendall follows him to the car, leaning against the passenger side with her foot tapping anxiously on the pavement as Dean gets to work hotwiring it. The future. They're in the future. No matter how much she keeps repeating that statement over in her mind, it never seems to fully register.

The car roars to life suddenly and Kendall kicks off of it to give it a once over. "All right, we're good to go," Dean says, rubbing his hands together. They share a look over the hood. "It shouldn't be that long a drive to Bobby's."

"Singer," Kendall asks with raised brows. She had never met the man, but her parents had told him that he was a gruff bastard with a heart of gold. You just had to know where to look to find it. Even then, she isn't sure if that's the best course of action. "You wanna chance driving out to Sioux Falls when we don't have any clue what's out there waiting for us?"

"If you've got a better idea, by all means, I'd love to hear it." Kendall doesn't, but she won't admit that out loud. Dean sighs, leaning against the hood. "Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot. And the fact that we're in the future ain't the best way to kick start a friendship. But sticking together may be our only way out of this."

Kendall never pictured herself getting thrown into the future, let alone being teamed up with a Winchester in the process. But she very much likes the idea of getting back home, and if Dean can help her find it, she's all in. "Okay," she agrees with a nod, hand moving to the door handle. "Let's hit it."


They cruise along the road, Dean focused on the drive as Kendall sits in the passenger seat, moving both their phones around to see if she can get any bars. When it doesn't look like it, she shakes her head. "Not a lick of cell service," she informs Dean.

"Awesome." Dean turns on the radio and is greeted with static. With a roll of his eyes, he flicks it off. "That's never a good sign."

Kendall places Dean's phone in the cupholder as she keeps fiddling with hers in the hopes that it might start working. And then suddenly, a voice. "'Croatoan pandemic reaches Australia'."

Kendall and Dean both startle, Kendall's phone flying out of her hand and to the floor. She grips her seat, jerking around to peer into the back. A guy sits in the middle, reading from a newspaper. Judging by the way he randomly appeared, it's safe to assume he's either an angel or a demon. Kendall's not sure if she should be pulling out a weapon or not. "Correct me if I'm wrong," she speaks slowly. "But this car didn't come with a balding white man, did it?"

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