28 | two minutes to midnight [part two]

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When night comes, they're packing up to go on their respective missions: Kendall, Sam, Cas, and Bobby to stop a bunch of zombies while Dean plans to kill Death and take his ring. It sounds genuinely insane, but Kendall still volunteers to go with him, because if the two have learned anything it's that they're a damn good duo. Dean assures her he can handle it but appreciates the offer.

As the clock keeps ticking, Dean closes Baby's trunk, looking at Kendall and Sam, hands slipping into his pockets. "All right, well...good luck stopping the whole zombie apocalypse."

"Yeah," Sam replies. "Good luck killing Death."

Dean's eyes go a little wide, but he gives a reluctant nod. "Yeah."

Sam sighs, gravitating towards Kendall and putting a hand at the small of her back. "Remember how we all used to just...hunt wendigos and vampires? How simple things were?"

"Simple ain't the word I'd use," Kendall says, arms crossing over her chest and feeling smaller than she's ever felt.

"Me neither," Dean adds, swallowing visibly.

Sam gives a nod of acknowledgment, rubbing Kendall's back comfortingly before dropping his hand. "Well, um..." he trails off, removing Ruby's knife from the sheathe to offer Dean. "You might need this."

Dean starts to reach out just as Crowley appears by his side. "Keep it. Dean's covered." He whips out a small scythe that Dean takes gingerly. "Death's own. Kills, golly, demons, and angels, and reapers and, rumor has it, the very thing itself."

Kendall raises an eyebrow. "And how did you manage to get your grubby little hands on something like that?"

He glances at her, a little amused. "Hello—King of the Crossroads." He glances around the group. "So, shall we?" He looks at Bobby, holding his right hand out towards him. "Bobby, you just gonna sit there?"

"No, I'm gonna riverdance," the older man responds, obviously sarcastic.

"I suppose if you want to impress the ladies." He levels a wink at Kendall who rolls her eyes, unimpressed, then returns his stare to Bobby. "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. Really wasted that crossroads deal. Fact—you get more if you phrase it properly. So, I took the liberty of adding a teeny, little sub-a clause on your behalf."

At everyone staring at him, he adds, "What can I say? I'm an altruist." He sends Bobby a pointed stare. "Just gonna sit there?"

Kendall watches as Bobby slowly gets out of his wheelchair, smiling at the sight of his shocked face. "Son of a bitch," Bobby says in disbelief.

"Yes, I know. Completely worth your soul. I'm a hell of a guy."

All Bobby can do is stare, and his eyes narrow as he tries to hold back tears. "Thanks."

Crowley sucks in a breath through his teeth. "This is getting maudlin. Can we go?"


Kendall's riding in the back of Bobby's van, shotgun in her lap as she, Sam, Cas, and Bobby discuss Sam's plan to take out Lucifer. "'Yes' to Lucifer. Then jump in the hole," Cas states from where he sits up front, since Sam opted out of the passenger seat so that he could sit next to Kendall. "It's an interesting plan."

"That's a word for it," Bobby says.

"So, go ahead and tell me it's the worst plan you ever heard," Sam prompts.

"Of course." Cas spares him a glance over his shoulder. "I am happy to say that if that's what you want to hear. But it's not what I think."

Kendall does a double take, looking at the angel skeptically. "Seriously?" Even if she is more on board with the plan than she was yesterday morning that doesn't mean she suddenly thinks it's a smart idea.

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