12: I didn't mean to do it (P.CY)

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"The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn't one

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"The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn't one."

2 years back

Somi plopped on Jungkook's couch as she asked, "Why are we here again?"

Summer vacation was about to end soon and Jungkook had called the eleven to his house, and he didn't reveal why. "I wanted you guys to meet someone," Jungkook told them as they all took a seat in his large living room.

"Who? Don't say you got yourself a girlfriend," Jennie asked as she took a sip of the juice, one of the maids offered when they got here.

"Haha, very funny but no," Jungkook said passing a sarcastic smile, "Come on Kook, we don't have all day. I need to go to the spa soon," Somi said eye-rolling

'Ya ok," he said before shouting, "Eunwooo, can you come here for a minute?"

"Eunwoo? Your cousin? The one you told us about?" Rose asked as Jungkook nodded.

"What do you w-? Ohh... You have friends over," They all heard another voice, which they all assumed to be Eunwoo's as he walked in.

"Eunwoo meets my friends, guys, this is Eunwoo, he is 21 years old and he just moved in here," Jungkook said introducing his cousin to his best friends. Eunwoo was tall, really handsome, and really cute too.

"Nice to meet you Eunwoo... What should we girls call you? Oppa? or t-" Somi immediately asked as she was cut off by Eunwoo, " Please, just call me by my name, I am not that much of a formal person, while boys you can just call me hyung,"

"Okay, so what brings you to Seoul Eunwoo?" Hoseok asked him as he was curious, Jungkook had mentioned a lot about him but they never met him.

"Eunwoo is going to take music classes in the Seoul Performing Arts School from next week, by the time he buys an apartment here, he will stay with us," Jungkook answered Hoseok before Eunwoo can speak anything

"Music? Really!?" Rose asked leaning in as a smile formed on her face.

"Yeah, I am taking Singing and Guitar classes," Eunwoo told her as she seemed impressed. Somi looked at Rose and one look can tell that she is interested in Eunwoo.

"Wow Chaeyoung, maybe you wanna hide those red cheeks. You know he is 21 and you are 15," Somi whispered to Rose in her ear as Rose just gave a small smile.

"Eunwoo, are you sure you packed my hairbrushes! I can't find them! Where the hell-" they all turned their heads to see a girl walking down the stairs as she entered the room

"Oh so sorry to interrupt you all like that," she quickly apologized when she noticed Jungkook had friends over

"It's okay, they are just my best friends, don't worry, they don't mind," Jungkook told her immediately

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