found the ninja(short)

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Catboy:pj robot do you see night ninja anywhere?as pj robot looked around at the picture player and seen him and his ninjalinos entering the mystery mountain portal.

Catboy:TO THE PJ ROVERS!!!as they went on the rovers and drove off.


They were at the mystery mountain portal and it was still open And they went in than they stopped and seen night ninja.

Night ninja:what do you pj pest want I'm not doing?

Gekko:were here to talk.

Night ninja:make it quick.

Gekko:well we know you have a crush on an night ninja blushed red and his eyes open wide.

Night ninja:WHAT...pff like I like her HA!!

Gekko:I seen you guys last night and I could tell had a crush on her.


Gekko:ummmm....well he made awkward smile.

Night ninja:*whisper*ninjalinos why didn't any of you warned me that one of the pj masks were coming!as he whispered to the ninjalinos.

Marvin:*gibberish**whisper*(catboy and owlette were chasing us so it was hard!....)!....

Night maybe....MAYBE....I an yu just a little.... as he was blushing.

Gekko:see I was right.

Catboy:or maybe he is just saying that to make us believe him.

Night ninja:yeah yeah whatever now leave us alone!as him and his ninjalinos were walking to the pagoda.

Owlette:where are you guys going?

Night ninja:no where!

David:*gibberish*(he's going to see an yu.).as night ninja covered his mouth.

Night ninja:ok so maybe I'm going to an yu to just hang out with her again ok!

Gekko:maybe we could help.

Night ninja:I don't want no pj masks date advice!as he crossed his arms.

Marvin:*gibberish*(come on night ninja maybe the pjs can help they know alot about this stuff of stuff.).

Night ninja:no nothing will make me say marvin did the puppy eyes.

Night ninja:ugh ok......I will let you pjs help me for one time.

Gekko:ok follow me for your  night ninja and his ninjalinos followed them.

Owlette:let's just keep a good eye on night ninja just in catboy nodded as both of them follow them.

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