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The pj masks and an yu were just enjoying the silence in the whispering bamboos

Gekko:night ninja been gone for a while now I wonder where he-

Before he can finish they heard pj robots beeps.

Catboy:what's wrong pj robot?he said on his communicator.

Pj robot:*beeps*(theres something happening around the city!!)!!


Owlette:sorry an yu but we have to go!as they wave her goodbye and ran back to the city.

An yu:*sigh*I guess I should go back to the pagoda...as she got up.

Night ninja:hello an yu!as he appeared out of no where with his smoke bomb as he startled her.

An yu:oh night ninja I didn't see you there!

Night ninja:wheres the pj masks?he said acting.

An yu:oh they left to the city cause something going on there.

Night ninja:oh..well the city needs them like mystery mountain needs you.as he was still acting.

An yu:yeah.

Night ninja:well should we continue with our hang out?

An yu:ok so let's continue.as they walk with each other.

*with the ninjalinos*

The ninjalinos were leaving out the libary stealing lots of master fang comic books.

Marvin:*gibberish*(so basically when the pj masks come we just leave the things here and just leave and do something else bad so the pj masks don't catch us.).

David:*gibberish*(why can't we let the pj masks see us?)?as the other ninjalinos face palm.

Brad:*gibberish*(because if they see us they'll think night ninja has something to do with it and go back to mystery mountain duh!)!as he said "duh loudly.

Daisy:SHHHH*gibberish*(I hear something.)as she covered his mouth as they heard people talking and footsteps.

Catboy:pj robot said its coming from the library.as they pj were running to the library.

Owlette:wonder what kind of villain would be at the library?

Marvin:*gibberish**whisper*(there here drop and run!)!as they put the comic books down and ran away as fast as they can as they pj masks came.

Gekko:what the...what kind of person just puts comics here without taking them?as they looked around.

Catboy:well let's put these comics back than.as they grab the comics and entered the library to put them away.


The pj masks finished putting all of the books back in the library.

Owlette:since we finish should we go back to mystery mountain?

Gekko:yeah let's go!as they went out the door they heard pj robot's beeps again.


Catboy:than let's go!as gekko got on catboy's back and ran super speed as owlette flew there.

*with the ninjalinos*

The ninjalinos were making a mess in the town hall.

Marvin:*gibberish*(there we go its messy enough.).as they stopped.

Daisy:*gibberish*(THE PJ MASKS ARE COMING!!)!!daisy points at owlette flying above them.

Marvin:*gibberish*(GO GO BEFOEE THEY SEE US!!as they jump over the wall of the sports hall.

Owlette:what's that over there?as she seen things jump over the wall.

Owlette:OWL EYES!!!as she looked close and seen it was the ninjalinos.

Owlette:catboy gekko I seen ninjalinos!as she talk to them on the communicator.

Catboy:if there are ninjalinos....than that means...night ninja is up to something!

Gekko:this must have been a trick to get us here so he can do something bad to an yu!

Catboy:I got a idea gekko ima jump and you gonna let go of me than owlette you use your super owl wing wind to blow gekko to the mystery mountain portal and save an yu while you and me take cate of these ninjalinos?as they nodded.

Gekko:WAIT.....but where am I gonna land?

Catboy:you have super lizard grip you cab stick to the closes building or something.

Gekko:oh ok ready!

Catboy:1....2........3!!as he jump up high as gekko let go of him.

Gekko:OWLETTE NOW!!!as owlette came.

Owlette:SUPER OWL WING WIND!!!as she gave a strong wind breeze which made gekko swoosh to the portal.

Gekko was at the portal making a dove pose as he looked at that lamppost.

Gekko:SUPER LIZARD GRIP!!!as he grab onto the lamppost and spin around and landed perfectly and made the hand signals than ran in the portal.

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